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“What’s that supposed to mean?” I whisper.

“In your condition,” Ross says, and makes it sound like a disease.

Then again, he’s good at this. At making me feel shitty about everything good in my life.

“Feeling threatened by babies now, Ross?” I ask, and he blinks.

Then those icy eyes narrow on me. “Oh, did that hurt? See, you wanted me to talk, sweet cheeks. I’ll talk, but are you sure you want that?”

“Damn you, Ross. Play nice, or I’ll still kick your ass,” Matt growls, starting to get up from his seat.

I lay a hand on his arm. “It’s okay. Let Ross talk.” I turn back to my half-brother. “So talk. Let it all out. Tell me what’s your beef with me, what’s gone all wrong inside that white-blond head of yours over the years. See if you can shock me.”

He blinks again, his mouth working without a sound.

Yeah, I don’t know where those words came from. In my mind, I’d be patient, kind, waiting for him to open up. But it looks like today’s not the day for patience. Nothing has gone as planned. It was probably all a fantasy, a Ross transformed.

Sure, he saved me from slipping when I got out of the truck earlier, and agreed to talk, but what next?

“Fine. Go ahead, Ross, and talk,” Matt says, his voice dangerously flat. “We’re all ears. What is your goddamn problem? Enlighten us.”

“My problem?” Now Ross looks pissed, color rising to his cheekbones. “You butted into my life today, threatened me from the moment I opened my mouth, and you want to talk. Talk about what, then? What the hell do you want from me?”

He’s vibrating with anger. I watch him as if from a thousand miles away, wondering where it all comes from.

Fearing that I know the answer.

The waitress appears at our table, menus in her hand.

She takes a look at us, places the menus down and flees.

“You’ve always known we had the same father.”

“I’ve known for a long time. Dunno when I found out. Dad told me about you, that you were his bastards. That you didn’t deserve to be in this town with us. That your mom was using him to suck up all his money.”

“That’s not true!” I know I shouldn’t take the bait, that I should know better by now, but I can’t help the knee-jerk reaction. “Jasper had so much money, and he never gave us one single penny. You know it’s true.”

“Yeah, whatever.” He shoves his fingers through his hair. “I didn’t like having you romping around my town.”

“Your town,” Matt mutters. “Wow.”

“You don’t get it,” Ross says.

“You’re right, I don’t.” Matt shakes his head.

“And instead of telling me all this, you thought it better to bully me?” I swallow hard. “Why me, anyway? Why not Gigi or Merc?”

“So today’s the day you want to understand it all?” He cocks his head to the side like a bird, his eyes hard. “No real reason. You’re roughly my age. You took my place.”

“What do you mean?”

But he huffs a breath and shoves his hand through his hair again, ignoring my question. “Is this what today was all about? Understanding Ross and his viciousness? Giving Ross breakfast and getting him to apologize? Cause I ain’t doing any of that. Keep your coffee and breakfast. I got places to be.”

“Like your daddy’s loving embrace?” I’m breathing hard, my neck and face hot with anger. “Go on, then.”

“What is it you want from me?” He licks his lips and looks away, a flash of something weird going over his face. He sounds… desperate.

For whatever reason.

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