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Denver wasn’t jealous—much.

When Ryan listed a little bit, she resumed her place under his arm. As she and Ryan sailed through the front door, they managed to look more like a love-starved couple than a guy who’d been having a very bad day. She hoped.

Deciding it was a better fit for this particular situation, she played up her hold on him. She flicked the remaining button open at the center of his chest and tried not to focus on his smooth, warm skin.

Two women slinked out of the darkness along the sides of the lobby. Harsh faces with eyes void of life made the back of her neck prickle.

She aimed Ryan at the check-in desk decked out in way more Plexiglas than should be warranted for a motel.

“We need a room.”


e disinterested guy gave her a bored stare. He rattled off the prices for an hourly stay, and one for the night.

She shifted Ryan against the counter and dug into her pocket. “The night, please.”

The guy gave a snort when she pulled out her Wonder Woman wallet.

“What?” she asked as she shuffled out the number of bills she needed. She didn’t carry much cash normally, but she was even lighter tonight. She’d frequented a few of her favorite small shops from her college days.

“Wish I had a Wonder Woman taking care of me.” He grinned at Ryan. “Did she bring the lasso with her?”

Ryan’s jaw flexed, but he said nothing.

The dude shrugged and pushed scraggly blue-tinged hair over his shoulder. He tossed a key through the little half circle cut out in the makeshift booth. “Checkout at ten.”

She took the key. “Thanks.”

“Enjoy.” The guy folded a piece of gum into his mouth before picking up his phone and sprawling in his folding chair.

She flipped over the key. “Eight-oh-six.” Denver looked around. A battered orange cone stood in front of the elevator. “No second elevator?”

The guy snapped his gum. The familiar maniacal giggle of Angry Birds came from his phone. “Nope.”

“No rooms on a lower floor?”


She sighed. The idea of climbing that many stairs in this heat made her stomach churn. “We can just go somewhere else.”

The guy peered up from his game. “No refunds.”

“You’re an asshole.”

The guy shrugged. “Guess he’ll have to earn his fuck tonight, hey? More than the cost of the room, that is.”

Ryan growled. “Don’t fucking talk to her like that.”

The guy smirked. “What are you going to do about it?”

“Feel pretty safe behind that plastic box, huh?”

The guy shrugged. “Pretty sure I could take you, but I wouldn’t want Wonder Woman to have to defend your honor.”

Ryan lunged forward and she looped her arm around his waist. “C’mon, baby, we don’t want to waste a minute of tonight, do we?”

Ryan glanced down at her, his eyes narrowing. “No, I guess not.”

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