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“Hey, little guy. What happened to you, huh?” If he’d been hit by a passing vehicle, he’d only been grazed. Maybe he’d gotten stuck in a bush and injured himself while attempting to wriggle free. At least he didn’t appear to be the victim of a wild animal attack. If that were the case, the pup likely wouldn’t have survived. The thought made Hayden shudder.

Unbidden, a decade-old memory popped into his mind—the unforgettable screech of car brakes followed by the crunch of metal and the almost unbearablesearingpain in his left leg. Before help arrived, Hayden floated in and out of consciousness in what remained of his car, wondering if he’d meet Jesus that night. Then the blessed peace of nothingness as everything faded to black.

The animal let out a faint, pitiful cry.Ah, man.Nothing yanked on his heartstrings more than an injured person or animal. After a quick once-over, he determined the animal’s back right leg was injured and possibly broken. Other than being shaky and scared, he seemed okay. He’d call the vet to see if he could run him over to the clinic.

“I’ll be right back.” Returning to the truck, Hayden hauled out a blanket. After carefully wrapping the dog in it, he laid him on the passenger seat. The pup whimpered and nuzzled his hand, making his heart lurch. “Hang in there with me, buddy. You’re safe now. Everything’s going to be all right.”

Twenty minutes later, he sat in the vet’s office with the pup sprawled across his lap. The poor little guy was quivering, and the blanket slipped to the floor. “Just don’t pee on me or the doctor, okay? He’s setting up the exam room now. We have to be extra nice to him since he came in after-hours to check you over.”

After retrieving the blanket, Hayden stroked his fingertips along the dog’s back, hoping to give the animal a measure of comfort. “My schedule’s crazy busy, you know. I don’t have time for ahaircutright now, much less a dog.” With a sigh, he rested his head against the wall. “Somehow, I have the feeling that’s about to change.”

The pup licked his hand.

Hayden chuckled. “Good answer.”

Chapter Three

“THINGS GOING ANY BETTER between you and Hayden?”

Snuggles jumped onto her lap, startling Violet. The cat must have recognized Dani’s voice or noticed her image on the computer screen.

“I love what I do at the station.”

Dani stared her down. “That’s not what I asked.” They’d known each other since kindergarten, but with her dark hair cut short for the mission trip, her heart-shaped face, and infectious grin, her friend couldn’t be threatening if she tried. Almost as much as Violet’s mother, Dani couldreadher.

“Hey, Snugs. How’s my baby?” Dani purred in the soft voice reserved specially for her cat. “Tell Violet I’m waiting, would you?”

“Shouldn’t you be off shelving books somewhere? Or reading a story to the local children?” The mission group’s goal was to provide free books to citizens of the island who didn’t have access to a library or bookstore.

“That was yesterday. Turns out, there’s also a food pantry and thrift store. I’m rotating among them. Last night I helped make and serve dinner.”

“Sounds like you’re busy but having a great time.” Violet pushed aside the wee pinch of jealousy.

“Oh, I am! We’re taking time off tomorrow afternoon to go hiking and snorkeling because you can’t come to Bonaire and not explore the great outdoors. You’d love the open-air worship services, Vi. The messages from the pastors are inspiring, and the local music stirs your soul. Twelve people have accepted Christ since we’ve been here.”

“That’s awesome!” Violet’s smile faded slightly. “I’d be right there beside you if I weren’t contractually obligated to be here.”

“I know, but there will be other opportunities. Now, back to you and Hayden.”

“Must you insist on being one of those annoyingvoice of my consciencefriends?”

“You found me out.” Her friend’s grin appeared.

“You’ve only been gone a week, Dani. It is what it is. Hayden and I are talking more, and I’m fine with the way things are.”

“You sure about that?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I’m not talking about your working relationship.”

Violet shook her head. “Well, there’s nootherrelationship.”

Dani looked like she harbored a secret. “He’s awfully cute, don’t you think?”

“I suppose, if you like the tall, lean, athletic type,” Violet mumbled as Snuggles jumped off her lap. “And don’t mind facial hair.”

“His beard is great, and I think he’s charming.”

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