Page 5 of Red-Hot Royal

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“Are you taking me to a hotel?” I say, my tone sleepy.

He chuckles hoarsely. “No hotels around here. Only sand.” His voice lowers. “And I’m taking you to my sanctuary.”



It’s rare having a woman in our sphere, the rest of the group quiet and they’re observing me. I know what they want to say. To do with her as is done with the rest. Take her to a place remote, sleep with her, make sure she gets pregnant and once the boy doesn’t need his mother’s nurture anymore, take him from her.

Our ways are our ways. It’s what was done to us and most of the men don’t even remember the women who gave birth to them. But I don’t want to take Kenna anywhere remote. I want her in my refuge, the place that is sacred to us.

The horses stop in front of our oasis, digging their heads into their buckets of water and I slide down first, making sure to keep my hand on Kenna’s back so she doesn’t fall off. She’s still sleeping, or being comatose is more like it but I’m not worried. Her temperature is normal and her color has returned.

Putting my hands around her waist, I drag her down, expecting her eyes to flare but her head just hangs as do her arms. I rock her a little, grinning when she lets out a protest as if to just let her sleep. Our white tents are raised and our oasis big enough for me to have my own quarters and that’s where I take her. It’s where we can have our privacy, away from the others.

“Sire,” a voice says in a low tone behind me and I turn around, facing my right hand man, Djoser. His eyes quickly go to Kenna that has softly started to snore before going to me again. “Are you sure about this? Think of what you’re doing...”

My gaze bores into his and it’s enough to get him to back and he raises his hands in defense. “I understand you have needs. And I understand your need to reproduce but you’re letting your body control you. Take her away from here, perform the act if you must but then leave and return without her.”

“You dare telling me what to do?” I say in a chilling voice and he lowers his head. With a sneer I turn around and I’m in a foul mood but then my eyes sway to Kenna and the fury melts. Living with other men does not allow for any sensitivity and I’m used to the abrasiveness but sometimes it gets hard, excruciating even and it makes a male long for something lenient. For small things that easily forgive and easily trust.

Shaking my head in amazement that I’ve found her, I walk inside and immediately move her to my room. The tent is vast, could fit four families and I put her down on my bed. She rolls around to her stomach and my eyes go to her two cheeks, puckering beneath her skirt. I want to insert myself between them, feel them slap hysterically against my skin and I rub my neck. Gently pulling her over to her back again, I hiss when she throws her arms over her head, expecting her to wake up but she doesn’t.

“Woman,” I whisper, stroking a hand down the side of her warm face. “I’m gonna have to undress you.”

She twitches. “Whatever...,” she murmurs, her lids fluttering and I hide a smile. I take off her sandals first and her soles are dirty from the sand but she’s too tired for me to clean her. I rub a hand down my face before moving to her shirt. The buttons are so delicate, I imagine her being frustrated when she’s in a rush and has to put it on. Sliding the shirt to the side, I suppress a curse at the sight of her bra.

Or it’s more of a brassiere, her swells so elusive they’ll be a better fit for my mouth than my hands. This girl has never been touched. I know from the way her skin flutters like butterfly wings beneath my fingertips as if she’s unused to intimate attention. Judging by the looks of her, I knew she’d never had a child but to now know she’s never even had a man...

The fucking glory.

Fervent, I pull her skirt down and her little briefs are a different color than her bra as if she’s been playful underneath her unadventurous clothes. I want to peel the underwear off her too, flick my tongue on her little bellybutton and then all the way up to her mouth.

I crave that mouth of hers and I take off my robes, until I’m only in my harem pants and I climb up on the bed next to her. My weight is too much for it, causing it to creak and Kenna murmurs something in her sleep. Leaning against the pillows, I pull her face up on my chest and she quickly settles. Her body molds into mine as if we both consist of clay and unable to help myself, my hand goes to her stomach. I rub it, first close to her ribs before I go lower and it brings me a peace I’ve never before felt. I’ve spent years, wondering whether I would ever find the one who would be strong enough to step up to the task of birthing me a child and the prospects didn’t look good.

Now, finally she’s here and she’s not going anywhere.

Her flat belly will very soon be developed and full, her non-existent curves will expand and I imagine the seams of her little brassiere bursting when it becomes too small for her.I groan, feeling a deep appreciation for her womb and the milk she’ll carry in her breasts that will nourish my offspring. I can’t wait. I’ll ravage her and reverence her. Her body will create for me and I bury my face in her hair.

“I have bought you,” I rasp. “To use you but I want you to want me.”

She sighs and she slides her hands over my chest, the palm stopping on top of my heart and I take it as her agreeing to my terms.



I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.The thought is the first one crossing my mind when I wake up and my eyes flare. Wait, what, where...? Momentarily confused, I sit up and I gasp at the sight of my new environment. A luscious tent, coated with tasteful luxury wherever I look and I’m lying in fine Egyptian cotton sheets.

I swallow. Last night, he brought me to his bed. Healed me and allowed me to rest and...he even took the liberty to take my clothes off... Looking down, I stir when I notice I’m only in my underwear. I should be embarrassed but I’m not. There’s already a connection between us that makes me feel at ease when he looks at me and touches me. Pushing my hair out of my face, my hand slides down my belly and I warm on the inside. Didn’t he touch me there, last night? Rubbed me until I slept through the most peaceful night I’ve had in years.

Humming worse than a hummingbird, I get out of bed and notice there’s a tray of breakfast left for me. I eat some of it and drink the red tea and it tastes a little bit funny. Like the same thing, Xerxes gave me yesterday and that was supposed to help with the poison. Looking down at my thigh, I let out a sound of surprise. The puncture is practically healed up and I feel so much better.

Once I’m finished with breakfast, I wrap a sheet around my body and go searching for Xerxes. He’s not in the tent that’s for sure but I take advantage of that, roaming my eyes around his things and they give me a better understanding of who he is.

There are no photos of any family members and the clothes he wears are all the same. Only black and only robes, no suits or boring khakis or Rolex’s. The only thing he uses seems to be weapons and he has a vast collection of daggers. I slide my fingers over one of them, imagining Xerxes piercing the tip into someone and I shudder.

Wrapping the sheet tighter around me, I walk out, squinting at the sun and I almost wobble at the beautiful sight in front of me. This oasis is like a little piece of paradise, with huge terracotta cliffs surrounding us, waterfalls and streams and white tents and lanterns hanging on strings and this place must look amazing at night.

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