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Neither spoke.

Cleo took another deep breath. ‘Han… this is… Kerri-Ann Randall, all the way from California. She…’

‘I know who she is,’ Hannah spat. ‘What is she doing here?’ she turned to face Cleo. ‘You knew,’ she accused her mother. ‘You knew she was here, and you didn’t tell me? How could you?’

Her mouth suddenly dry, Cleo moistened her lips, trying to work out what to say, how she could defuse her daughter’s anger. If she’d known Kerri-Ann was going to turn up here, she’d have… She had no idea what she’d have done.

Before anyone could speak, Nate and Owen arrived, full of excitement, buoyed up by the support piling in.

Nate took one look at Hannah and asked, ‘What’s the matter, Han?’

‘I want to go home,’ she wailed. ‘I need to go home.’

‘What…?’ Owen began.

But Nate didn’t hesitate. ‘The bike’s outside. I’ll take you.’

He put an arm around Hannah’s shoulders and led her away, but not before Cleo caught a glimpse of the tender expression in his eyes. Nate McNeil cared for her daughter. Despite what Hannah might think, the boy didn’t regard her as just a mate. She hoped he had the guts to tell her. Right now, Hannah needed something good to happen to take her mind off the sudden appearance of Kerri-Ann.

Cleo turned to where Kerri-Ann was still standing, her face white with shock.

‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset anyone. I saw a flier for the meeting, and I thought… I’ll go now.’ She turned and almost ran from the hall.

‘Was that…?’ Ailsa asked as their eyes followed the fleeing figure.

‘Hannah’s half-sister.’

‘They’re so alike, it’s uncanny.’

‘Yes.’ Cleo started to tremble. ‘Oh, Ailsa, I don’t know what to do. She appeared in the café yesterday asking to meet Han and looking for information about Stan. I haven’t had the opportunity to tell Han she was here… I’d been hoping to break it gently. Now…’

‘Han’ll be right with Nate, Mrs J. He’ll look after her.’

Cleo looked up to see Owen was still there. From his expression, she got the impression he was well aware of Hannah and Nate’s feelings for each other – feelings neither had admitted to the other. Perhaps some good could come out of this encounter.

‘Here’s Dad,’ he said, before she could respond.

Cleo was so glad to see Will, she almost fell into his arms, stopping herself just in time as she remembered where they were. Although the meeting was over, there were still a lot of people milling around. ‘Han…’ she made a move to follow Hannah and Nate, but Ailsa put a hand on her arm.

‘Leave them. Let her calm down and see her tomorrow,’ Ailsa said, seeing Cleo’s distress. She turned to Will. ‘You were marvellous, Will,’ she said. ‘You, too, Martin,’ she added, as Martin joined them and threw an arm around Ailsa’s shoulders. She raised her face for his kiss.

Cleo wished she could do the same to invite Will’s embrace, but their relationship was too new for public displays of affection. Instead, she gripped his hand tightly.

‘Did I miss something?’ Will appeared puzzled.

‘Kerri-Ann. She was here.’ Cleo was grateful for the warmth of Will’s hand providing much needed comfort.

‘Where?’ He glanced around.

‘She’s gone now.’

‘Why don’t you drive Cleo home?’ Ailsa said. ‘We’ll see to your scooter. Martin?’

Martin nodded, and Will handed him the keys.

Cleo allowed herself to be ushered out of the hall and to her car where Will helped her into the passenger seat before sliding behind the wheel and driving off.

As they neared her home, Cleo started to calm down, but she couldn’t dismiss the memory of the expression on Hannah’s face when Kerri-Ann appeared. ‘Han will never forgive me,’ she wailed.

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