Page 113 of Stepbrothers' Darling

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Chapter Forty Five


Iwatch Crew walk away, their backs straight and muscles tense. I swallow my fear for them, knowing I have to trust them. If there’s anyone in this world that can do this, it’s them. Plus, even I know I wouldn’t be able to stop them.

They won’t rest until I’m safe.

“Blair?” the firm, clipped voice calls, and I turn to see the prez. “They’ll be okay,” he says softly as if knowing my thoughts. “Want a drink?”

“I thought you’d never ask.” I grin, and he chuckles and nods his head at the bar, but as I follow his broad back, seeing Faye already there, laughing and flirting with Jay, I can’t help but wonder if it will really be all over tonight.

It almost seems too easy.

I hate that I’m sitting here in my protected fucking tower while my men go out to deal with my problem, but they are right. I’m the target. I wouldn’t get close enough to stop him. So even though I hate doing this and feel weak, I do as I’m told, knowing that sitting back and doing nothing is sometimes the smartest move.

The prez watches Faye as he pours us a drink, and when he hands the cool glass over, their fingers brush. She gasps, her gaze darting up to his, and I see a smile tipping up his lips, almost hidden behind his beard.

Leaving them to flirt, I turn with my pint in hand and survey the others. I need to distract myself from what could be happening to my family right now, but they are right. They are stronger, smarter, and they have more at risk. He won’t stand a chance, but my memories warn me not to discard him so easily.

He’s a lot worse than they think. He doesn’t care about anything or anyone but getting to me.

Downing the pint in a record time, I wipe my mouth with my hand and turn. “Another,” I demand. Jay’s eyes narrow on me, but he pulls me a glass and passes it over, watching again as I down it.

“Uh-uh. If you get drunk and start teasing the bikers, I won’t be responsible for Crew’s reactions,” he teases as Faye leans in with him. She’s smiling, but I see the worry in her eyes. I still haven’t really told her why we are here, just that it’s an emergency, yet she holds her tongue, even as I see the questions growing in those soft, caring eyes.

“He’s right. Slow down, babe. You okay?” she asks.

“Peachy,” I mutter and drop the glass to the bar. “Anyone up for a game of pool?” I jump to my feet, needing to be doing something, anything, other than wondering if those men, the men I care for more than I’m willing to admit, are going to come back for me.

Or if I’ll be alone again.

Faye follows me, and it ends up being her and me versus Jay and Prez, who sticks around. We play pool and darts, and surprisingly, Faye is very good at it. I can’t help but grin as I watch her flirt with both Jay and Prez, loving the attention—and attention is what she’s getting. They are like dogs in heat, panting as they watch her bend over, her ample chest almost spilling from her dress. Even the gruff, burly prez isn’t immune to her, although he tries to play it cool.

Are they competing to show off for her?

Either way, it makes for great entertainment, until my phone buzzes. Turning away, pool stick in hand, I pull it out and my smile fades.

Unknown:Little bear, little bear, how I’ll huff and puff until you come out.

I still, it has to be him. I screenshot it and send it to the group chat but don’t hear back. I know I’m safe, but it makes me shiver. The memories and terror claw at my throat. He’s taunting me, which means he either doesn’t know he’s being hunted, or he doesn’t care. He can’t possibly know where I am, right?

Even if he does, he’d have to get through a whole bar full of bikers. No, he’d wait until I come out. He’s biding his time, but as he does, he’s making it easier for my men to end this, so I text them once more.

Me:Be safe. I think he’s waiting and watching. Don’t you dare fucking die, I’ve just started to like you.

I put it away, refusing to watch for them to reply or wait for more taunting texts.

Faye notices and wanders over, leaving Jay to drink with Prez as other guys laugh. I even spot someone fucking in the corner. I love this place. It’s like adult nirvana, with tits, beer, and plenty of muscles. But my mind still won’t settle.

“Okay, what’s going on? I’ve been waiting for you to spill for hours, letting you come to me, trying to be patient, but it isn’t working. So either you tell me or I won’t wax your butt hole anymore,” she blurts.

A biker overhears and leans in. “I can fill that void.”

I look at Jay, laughing, as he smacks the biker. “Down, dog,” he teases. “But I am also available to assist in that matter.”

“I bet you are. Can I borrow a room?” I ask Jay sweetly. He nods, knocking back his beer.

“Yeah. Come on, you can use the one I use when I’m here. I only really use it if we have late runs or I’m too drunk or fucking a club bunny…” He sees my face and laughs. “Don’t worry, the sheets are clean. It’s nothing special, but it will do.” He leads us past the bar, and I wave at the bikers who yell goodnight at us, noticing Prez’s eyes on Faye the entire time. He has two club bunnies on either side of him fighting for his attention, but he pays them no mind.

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