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He shook his head. “No. Turns out, he was just an eighteen-year-old kid who needed money to pay for hisabuela’s medical treatment. Solana’s family knew the kid, he’s from their neighborhood. Wasn’t looking for trouble, just a quick buck. A little family intervention, a little stern lecturing, and he returned everything he stole down to the last cent. Then, we put together a little fundraiser to help the guy pay for his grandma’s care. Problem solved, no jail time necessary,” Linc concluded.

It was a straightforward enough story to him, but Gentry was gazing at him with starry eyes. She leaned in, stood on tiptoe, and kissed him softly. She caressed his face, smiling.

“You’re a good man, Lincoln Granger. The best kind,” she murmured.

“I just don’t see the point of causing more pain when I can make things better instead,” Linc replied, his heart racing. “I come from a big family. I know the importance of forgiveness.”

“Me too! Man, I miss having sisters and cousins and parents to visit whenever I want. I miss a lot of things about Tennessee, but my family is number one,” Gentry agreed.

“Well, maybe I can help you miss it a little less,” he replied.

Gentry squeezed his hand and leaned her head on his shoulder. “You already have. Admittedly, I haven’t been on too many dates, but this is one for the books.”

“Me neither. It’s been years, actually,” he admitted, looking out at the sea.

He was on the verge of explaining it all to her. Tara, Seth, the accident. Everything.

But he knew there would be time. For now, they just enjoyed their afternoon together. That evening, he drove Gentry to the Blues and stuck around for her performance. He was off today; he wasn’t looking for evidence. He could relax, sip water, and listen to Gentry’s beautiful singing. She made him want to pick up a guitar again, stretch those creative muscles he hadn’t moved in forever. They could write songs together. He could strum along to her lovely voice. It was a perfect image. As he watched her, he thought there was nowhere he’d rather be.

Except maybe in bed with her.

But there would be time for that, too. After the show, Linc drove her back home and dropped her off with a passionate kiss and a promise to see her again soon.



Gentry stretched her right arm out in front of her. She wobbled a little as she balanced on her right foot, the other leg extended and bent behind her so she could grab her foot with her hand. She felt the burn in her thighs and hips, the joints clicking as she slowly brought her leg down to the floor and moved into a low lunge. The ambient music drifting from her phone on the coffee table lent a tranquil vibe to her tiny living room. There was just enough space for her on the floor to unfurl a yoga mat and lie down on it without knocking her knees and elbows on the furniture, but that was fine.

In fact, it was great.Everythingwas great today. She had woken up in a fantastic mood, albeit a little reluctant to leave her lovely dreams behind. She’d slow-danced across a cloud in the stable, protective arms of Linc. She’d drifted along a river in a glimmering boat, sitting on Seth’s lap as he steered them through rainbows. Gentry could almost still remember the sensation of her cheek on Linc’s shoulder and Seth’s chest against her back. Of course, they were only dreams.

But she had iron-clad, real-life romantic moments to reflect on, too. Gentry couldn’t stop thinking about the way Seth’s hands had felt on her waist as he’d held her on the surfboard. Or how it had felt to walk along the boardwalk holding Linc’s hand. Like she belonged to him.

There was a pause in the ambient music coming from her phone as it buzzed twice. Gentry nearly toppled over in her haste to grab it from the coffee table. To her delight, there were two texts, one from each of her dream guys. How had they managed to time it so perfectly? Gentry shook her head in awe. It felt like fate: she had been thinking about them, and they’d texted. She knew there was a connection between the three of them, but maybe it was more powerful than she’d thought.

Seth’s message said,Hey there, gorgeous! Hope you slept well. I can’t stop thinking about you. Linc’s text read,Good morning, beautiful. I had a fantastic time with you yesterday. Looking forward to seeing you again soon.

Gentry was all smiles as she typed out her responses.

I slept like a baby… and dreamed about you, she replied to Seth. Then she texted Linc,Me too! You were in my dreams last night. Can’t wait to see you again. Her heart was pounding. She had never been in the position of flirting with two guys at the same time. It felt dangerous, a little dirty, and totally sexy. She dropped down onto the couch as she waited for their responses.

Her phone buzzed in her hand and she swiped open the screen reflexively. But instead of a text message, she realized she had actually just answered a video call. To her surprise, the cheery faces of her older and younger sisters appeared on the rectangular screen.

Ginger was twenty-eight and put-together, with her silky brown hair styled in a pixie cut, and her makeup impeccable. She wore a stylish tailored white shirt dress with a baby-pink blazer. Gentry thought she must be getting ready to head into work at the salon.

Gemma was twenty-four and a little less dolled-up. She was just as beautiful as her older sisters, but she tended to underplay her looks. Her long, wavy blond hair was brushed over one shoulder, her pretty face free of makeup. She wore a simple t-shirt and jeans, and Gentry assumed she was in for a long day of practicing the violin; she was a professional musician in her own right, though more classical than bluesy.

“Gentry!” they chimed in unison, waving at her from what looked to be the living room at their childhood home in Bartlett. Even though all three sisters had moved out, their parents still lived there, and it continued to be the gathering place for the whole family.

“Hey, y’all!” Gentry replied, her Southern twang popping out as it often did when she talked to folks back home.

“What are you doing? You look sweaty,” Gemma giggled. “Is it super hot in Miami?”

Gentry laughed. “I’ve been doing yoga. And yeah, it’s blazing.”

“I’m so glad you’re finally taking my advice about yoga. It has so many benefits, sis. You have to come to one of the classes I teach on the weekend next time you visit home. And looks to me like you’re getting a little sun. You’re not as ghostly pale as you used to be,” Ginger remarked.

“Did you call just to bully me or what?” Gentry chuckled at their lighthearted teasing.

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