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That was how Shelby turned back to find her. Hands fisting her bosom, Ace marveled down at herself. Shelby’s lips parted with a sharp inhale. His legs stuttered awkwardly into his next step.

"What are you doing?" he snapped.

"My breasts! They got bigger!" Ace smiled widely, noticing the difference in how that too felt on her face.

"Would you let go of yourself? This is beyond inappropriate."

"Oh, relax. No one else is going to see me." His jaw chorded. "And don't act as if you magically changed your…you know… size you wouldn't be playing with it."

Those dark eyes flashed in warning. "You have a filthy mouth."

Ace laughed a little at that. "A terribly nasty, vulgar mouth. At least I didn't outright say penis." Shelby jutted his arm out, sighing loudly. "Or dick…" His mouth pressed into a firm line. "Or cock…"

"Shut your mouth!" he growled.

She rolled her eyes in response. Just as quickly as he had offered the mirror, Shelby retracted from her as she took the object, one hand still on her chest, and began gazing at her new reflection. Her words then became low mumbles as she tried to take in her image while keeping her train of thought.

"For someone with that body part, you sure do seem uncomfortable with the word." Her lips had thinned, her mouth widened to fit the long oval-shaped face she now wore. Her eyes had rounded and now watched her back with bright green irises. Beautiful but so much less startling than the orange. Her hair had become coarser, pulled up into a tight bun to contain the small curls. Instead of her servant outfit, all her clothing had been transformed into a lavender gown that flowed off her waist with the help of a small skirt hoop to hold it in place.

Her voice continued to grow weaker but she managed to finish her thought. "Does the word testicles bother you just as much?"

"Well, now you look the part of the lady but you'll ruin the magic of it as soon as you start talking." He looked her up and down, never once meeting her eyes.

"You'll just have to do all the talking then."

"What—no. No, I'm not coming with you. I'm not attending the queen’s party."

"Shouldn't you want to take up the position? The queen did invite all eligible bachelors." She lowered the mirror.

"I don't think she would consider me eligible."

"Nevertheless, you're my partner in crime now."

"Don't say that."

"Say what?"

"Don't call me your partner in your law breaking."

"But you are?" She offered him a coy smile she was sure was much more dazzling on this new body than her old one.

"No. No, you forced me into this. The knife, remember?" He pointed a long finger at the blade that sat on the messy desk, the evening sun reflecting off its sharpened edge.

"Ah, but we struck up a deal and you gave me the spell willingly."

Shelby ran his tongue over his teeth, bringing both hands up to rub at his temples to ease the headache Ace was giving him.

He wanted to continue arguing, Ace could tell that much by the way he continued to put distance between him and her. He placed his hands on the desk between them, leaning on it till the wood creaked at his weight. Before he spoke his lips always teased at a small frown. His mouth did just that before he started."So wha—”

A door slammed shut. The sound of it closing jolted both of them to an upright position, their eyes trained on the doorway.


"Shelby! Are you back here?" A hoarse and weary voice called until the words echoed back to them in the empty warlock common area.

Shelby's eyes grew to two large circles, his head snapping back toward Ace. "Hide!" He half hissed, half whispered, panic seeping into his voice.

Frantically, he closed the space between them, ushering her around the large warden’s desk. His large palms curled over her shoulders as he shoved her down.

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