Page 31 of Deadly Obsession

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“You kind of get used to it.” He shrugged.

“You ever get one of those nutty fans like you hear about on the news? The ones who send you letters with words cut out of magazines?” She laughed, but Jack stiffened.

McKenna’s laughter died. “Oh my god! Do you have a crazed fan after you?”

He didn’t want to worry her, but he wasn’t going to lie. “It’s being handled.”

“Oh, Jack.” Her hazel eyes were troubled. “I’m glad you have Mendez. Don’t leave his side.”

“How’s work?”

She eyed him as if she knew what he was doing then let out a breath. “Crazy. As you know, I used the money you sent me to open my own salon. Women come in expecting to find you there.”

“Really?” Jack frowned. “Why?”

“Sister of the most famous country singer? Duh, they don’t want to miss a chance to meet you if you ever show up. That, and they try to pump me for information about you. I tell them nothing because your life is none of their business.”

“Small towns.” Jack grinned.

“You know it.”

The waitress came over and fawned over Jack until McKenna gave her the stink eye. They ordered their food, and the conversation was light after that.

Jack noticed a few broad, muscular men walk in, smaller men with them. They all took seats.

“Hey, Gem.” McKenna waved.

“Who?” Jack turned to look.

“He’s the alpha’s mate. A freaking sweetheart. He comes into my salon to get his hair washed. He says having his scalp massaged is heaven.”

Gem walked over with another guy. Gem was short and slim—except for the love handles that seemed to work for him—with blond hair and dark blue eyes. He was definitely a cutie. The other man had the same build—minus the handles—but he had long black hair with purple and blond highlights, and god, his eyes were lilac. Jack had never seen that color iris before. They were stunning.

“Jack, this is Gem and Alwyn,” McKenna said. “Alwyn is mated to Deputy Saint Delaney, a lion shifter.”

Jack’s brows shot up as he whispered, “A lion, really?”

Alwyn smiled. “I’m fae.”

Jack was blown away. He really did need to find out about Mendez’s world. “Join us.”

“Nah.” Gem waved a hand. “I know McKenna has been dying for you to visit, and we don’t want to intrude. But it was nice meeting you.”

Jack eyed the guy. Gem was being cool, but he saw the excitement the guy was trying to hide. “Fan?”

Gem nodded. “Big fanboy, Mr. Dane.”

“Call me Jack.” He extended his hand, and Gem shook it.

“I’m not going to freak out, because Grey will get all growly on me, but I’m never washing my hand again.”

Alwyn frowned. “Why? He’s just a human.”

Gem huffed. “So am I. Don’t you know who Jack Dane is?”

Jack hid his smile. Gem sounded put out.

“Um, no.”
