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They were going to use her any way they could to lure Morgan out of hiding and end this tedious business with him.

And her?

He didn’t know quite what they were going to do with her afterward and that irked him because they always knew what to do. Always.

Chapter Five

Lorelei wanted to cry. Like huge, big ugly hysterical woe-is-me sobs which were hard to do when she was trying not to orgasm in front of three strangers.

Maybe if she did ugly cry, would that frighten these strange men away so she could deal with her problems by herself?

She couldn’t believe the power of her thoughts. Hadn’t she decided she would start small in her journey of self-sexual discovery because she didn’t want to end up in the ER? What had happened instead? She was going to need the freaking damn ER.

Hadn’t she mentally mentioned sexy times in front of an audience too and how that was never going to happen? Bingo. Here lies the three strange men audience.

She had done nothing but baited her universe in the most unconscious manner imaginable. If she said she didn’t believe in disappearing acts, would she actually disappear from this nightmare?

But yes, she was useless against them, okay more than useless with a toy malfunctioning in herquim—another example of her thirst for worthless information; possessing the British slang for her vagina.

She needed to get rid of the toy inside her so she could help Morgan. There wasn’t anything in the world she wouldn’t do for her friend.

But first, she needed not to orgasm.

Which she could manage if the intensity didn’t magically increase. Still, while the waves teasing the walls of her pussy were subtle, it felt more like a slow build-up, a long foreplay before she did eventually come. It was now or never for her to escape.

Using every bit of control she was worth, Lorelei squashed her thighs together, trying to prolong the effect before disaster struck but also praying the vibrations would stop before she got to that point.

Breathing as if she were in labor because surely that would help—not that she’d ever been in labor, but she had watched enough movies to know what it was supposed to look like, she kept shifting around in the small space of the foyer, the rest of the area taken up by the three huge men surrounding her. The strange looks they were giving her became more pronounced.

Blue Eyes, with the short, short hair and sublime male features still guarded the door, his arms folded over his wide chest.

She allowed her gaze to sweep over the three of them.

Fear slipped down her spine. They were huge and despite being mesmerizing to look at, they were also scary.

These were bad men dressed in suits that cost thousands of dollars.

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