Page 26 of Brone

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Dax’s cheeks deepened to a dark emerald. “Sorry. I was excited.”

Reaper pinched the bridge of his nose. “I get it. And Poe, the story is a long one so can we table it for now? I know it’s a shock. It was for Dax, too. I’m sure he can share the details once he returns.”

Poe nodded, stepping away from Dex to entwine her fingers with Dax. Looking at her Science Model, she mouthed,“I love you.”

The sound of someone clearing their throat had all eyes turning towards the noise. “As Reaper stated, the both of us have agreed to send a couple of teams to the rebellion headquarters. If deemed safe to re-enter, then a few can go in to try and salvage what you can.” Lennox looked at Reaper. “Decide who besides Dax you want to accompany us. We leave in an hour.”

Twisting on her boot heel, she strode out of the dining room. All of Brone’s playfulness had vanished from his face. It didn’t take a genius to know that he would want to be part of Reaper’s team.

My stomach rolled, my breakfast threatening to make a reappearance. “Maybe you should stay back.” My stomach gave another flip at the glare he directed my way. I should have taken it back, but I found myself unable to. I didn’t want him to go back there. Back to the rubble. And ruins. Back to where he lost his friend.

He rose from the table, his hands curling into fists. “Reaper needs me.” The breakfast food on his plate was forgotten as he locked eyes with Reaper from across the room. The cyborg rebellion’s leader gave a sharp nod of his head.

It didn’t matter what I said, Brone was going to go back. Like a fool I blurted out, “Take me with you.”

Brone’s eyes widened in shock. “No! The rebellion headquarters is dangerous. Females must be kept safe.”

“I agree. Which is why the other females should remain here. Iris, Marley, Poe, Aria, and Oz can give me a list of things they are hoping to have located. Dax will be needed to gather together his things from the medical lab while I’m sure the rest of the team will be gathering other supplies and retrieving your lost brother.”

At the mention of their fallen cyborg, those from the rebellion went silent. “If I come, then I can worry about collecting the female’s belongings. As I am the only female without a cyborg, it makes the most sense to risk myself.” I stood up from the table, determination in my step. It made no sense for anyone else to go besides me.

The rebellion could survive without me.Core, Caliber, and Chaos would miss me, but they would be in good hands if something happened to me. I believed all the rebellion plus Lennox’s people would rally behind them.

They werecyborgs. I wasn’t.And I knew I couldn’t stay by their sides forever. They needed their own life. And I needed mine. However short it may be.

Besides, I had been given Dax’s upgrade. I wasn’t simply Nara Jones anymore. And I needed to be the one to help. The pressing weight of guilt was gnawing at my insides. The fear over what they would think of me once they learned the truth caused an ever -resent lump to be lodged in my throat.

Maybe if I could return some of their well-loved belongings, it would help ease the sting of losing their home.

Brone growled. “It’s not safe.”

Marching over, I put myself toe to toe with the Tank Class. Tipping my head back in defiance, I met blazing blue eyes.” It’s not safe for you, either.”

He crossed his arms over his chest, peering down at me as he growled, “I’m a cyborg.”

I rose up on my tiptoes. “Who suffered a head injury only yesterday. You’re not indestructible despite the fact you think you are.” I shoved a finger into his chest. “If you can risk yourself for the rebellion, then so can I.”

“She can go,” Reaper declared suddenly.

“No, she can’t!” Brone roared.

I grabbed his cheeks, my eyes boring into his. “Last time I checked, I get a choice. I’m going, so deal with it, Tank Class.”

Brone’s lips pressed into a thin gray line, his jaw flexing as he yanked his face out of my grasp and stormed out of the dining room.

Reaper narrowed his gaze. “I only agreed because you made valid points. That and Brone might care about what happens to you, but I still don’t trust you, Nara Jones. Don’t think I don’t know that you’ve been keeping secrets. Once the rebellion is safe, I expect you to tell me what you’re hiding or I’ll keep your cyborgs and kick you out on your ass, got it?”

My cyborgs growled, but I shushed them as I nodded. My reckoning was coming. None of them could stop it. Lennox and Reaper wanted answers and even if I could put one off for a while, I couldn’t put off both of them.

God help me if they decide to join forces.

Reaper and Lennox would make one hell of a team.


Iwanted to punch something.My new fingers curled into a fist.And that something was Reaper’s stupid face.I don’t care that it’s essentially the same face except a bit smaller that I saw in the mirror every morning. Hell, I’d punch myself if I thought it would get Nara off this god damn transport.

I ground my teeth together, a tick forming next to my right eye.

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