Page 34 of Sweet Talking Man

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"Mom," Birdie said. Abigail banked her indecision and looked up from the praline scones she'd been placing on the cooling rack.


"Do you still love Daddy?"

Oh, God. She knew this would come, but she couldn't lie to Birdie.

"No, I don't. Well, at least not in the way a woman loves a man. I do care for him because he was my first love and he gave me you." Good answer.

"Can you fall in love again?" Birdie examined the nub of her pencil, not making eye contact. "Cassidy's mom and dad got divorced and then they got remarried. So I guess it can happen."

"Sure," Abigail said, walking to the drawer to grab the plastic wrap, reminding herself this was natural. Birdie wanted a family. Every kid wanted an intact family. "But it's unlikely. When people fall out of love and divorce, there's usually something wrong... or something between them that can't be mended."

"Oh," her daughter said with a frown. "But it could happen, right?"

Abigail shrugged. "It could."

"Okay," Birdie said, biting her tongue and tackling the fractions scattered across her work sheet.


Abigail understood why her daughter wanted Cal at Laurel Woods. They'd been happy here once, but that was long ago. Before Cal went dog-assed crazy. Abigail had hurt for a long time and Cal's setting her aside for another woman, a woman who was only three years out of being a girl, had done irreparable damage to her esteem. Even though five years had passed, she still doubted herself when it came to relationships. Was she pretty enough? Smart enough? Talented enough in bed? On the outside she was strong, an ox pushing and pulling against life. On the inside, she was a naked baby bird afraid to leave her nest.

Which was why Leif scared her to death. Whatever it was they had between them had tentacles. As soon as she pulled one loose, another latched on. Part of her wanted to let go and succumb, part of her wanted to punch desire in the face and run from it.

But one thing was certain-Cal had no place in her life other than being Birdie's father.

Abigail went to the fridge and pulled out the milk. Pouring a glass, she sat next to Birdie.

"Hey," Abigail said, snitching a cookie and taking a big slug of milk before sliding the glass toward her daughter. "You want some?"

Birdie shook her head. "I'm trying to do my homework."

That meantdon't talk to me.

"Hey," Abigail said again.


"Your dad and I are over. You know that, right?"

"Whatever. I'm busy, Mom.”

Abigail sighed. "It's great your father is in your life again, but he won't be coming home to Laurel Woods."

"Why not? He didn't leave me. He left you." Birdie lifted her gaze, anger reflected in her green eyes.

Same old story. Birdie had implied many times that Cal's leaving was her mother's fault. It was how Birdie dealt with the fact Cal actually left both of them. If Birdie had mattered enough, if Cal hadn't been such a selfish bastard, then he wouldn't have left them, not even if it meant missing his last shot at fame.

"Okay," Abigail said with a measured breath. "There's something else I want to talk to you about."


"Don't take that tone with me."

Birdie gave her a flat stare.

"It's about Mr. Lively."

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