Page 16 of Revealing Raven

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“Already on that beautiful,” Lougheed answers, “Got him doped up on wolfsbane, a shit load of it. He won’t be waking up until long after the mating is complete. Or at least, he shouldn’t.”

Good. It won’t be long now.



Chimes of a bell wake me from sleep, I didn’t think I’d fall asleep after what my mother told me, but I was exhausted, still am. But now I have this feeling I can’t quite explain in my chest.

I go to stand up from the bed but am instantly brought to my knees. A white light appears in front of me, a hand flows out, reaching towards my chest. Suddenly my chest is invaded by the light hand, weird I know, and light bursts from me all over. I feel as if I’m the Beast from Beauty and the Beast.

Fear takes over when I’m lifted off the ground and light even shines out of my toes. My freaking toes, what the hell. But then, memories I never knew I had come flooding in, the moment I was given away, crying for my mother and not the woman holding me. I shouldn’t have these memories; I was too young yet here they are. My dads playing with me and giving me kisses. It’s as if I’m watching a movie of my life before my adoptive parents took me in.

I remember everything, including my birth. How messed up is that. Something else fills me, power, I feel so strong, and suddenly my hair goes wild as if I’m in a windstorm, light from my fingertips pour out smashing the windows in the room and the lights. Colours of all kinds fly around me.

I should be scared, but I’m not, because this is who I am. I’m Raven Castor, a motherfucking Queen. A scream leaves my throat when I’m finally set down on the floor, my heart pumping faster than it ever has, as if I ran a marathon. I shiver as I feel a tug, making me want to rush out the door, and I know why, it’s time to find my mate.Mine. I almost growl the word out loud, wow, when I come into power, I go a little crazy.

Remembering my dreams, I race out the door, running into my fathers. “Shouldn’t you put shoes on?” one of them asks.

“No time.” I kiss them each on the cheek before racing away and down the hall, not paying a lick of attention to the detail of what I’m sure is a beautiful home and head out the front door. “Ugh, we’re in the middle of the woods, no wonder it took forever for me to find him in my dreams.” I mutter to myself.

Knowing the route I take in my dreams sends me in circles for hours, I decide on a different route, hoping this time it will lead me right to him. Feeling the tug at my chest getting stronger, I know I’m going the right way.

It’s time to find my next mate.

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