Page 42 of Dangerous Secrets

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Mia has done as I asked and has stayed hidden, this isn’t her fight, not now, not with this guy. He’d find her weakness and use it against her. He could break her with mere words, I don’t want him to die just yet and if he were to say anything to Mia, I’d lose my damn mind and snap his neck. I’m under no illusion, my weakness is Mia, but at the same time, she’s my greatest strength. John Healy walked in with some of his men, he was the person to let me know who Kevin was, it was his way to have a first row seat at what is about to happen. The man is blood thirsty. I was torn between kicking Mia out and fucking her there and then when she started talking, I knew as soon as he saw her that she would be the one to break him.

When she told Kevin that Martin had not only killed but also raped, he didn’t believe her. I wanted to put a bullet between his eyes instantly. Everyone present in this room respect rose for her at her announcement that she was the one that was assaulted. She was fucking brave though, she didn’t cave, instead she straightened her shoulders and came out fighting. She showed what a true badass she is, she’s fucking made for me. She’s proven that she’s okay with what I do, who I am. There’s absolutely no doubt that she’s the one for me. It’s why I’m no longer waiting around, she’s going to be my wife.

Once Jagger turns off the electricity, the man in front of me doesn’t seem affected by the hundred-and-twenty voltage that has gone through his body. I know that he’s a mercenary, he’s trained for this shit. “Are you Martin’s side piece?”

Both Jagger and I have known that Martin is bi-sexual, have since we first met him. We never judged him on who he was with. He’s a fucking traitor and I need to find out why.

“Go fuck yourself.” The fucker spits in Jagger’s face and he’s rewarded with a punch to his face, the bones crunching beneath Jagger’s knuckles.

The way he reacts to being asked if he was Martin’s side piece jars something in me, I remember something Martin said to me the day Mia came back into my life.

"I want to hire a few guys to come in and protect your family."

"Absolutely not." I reply harshly.

"Listen to me, Boss," he implores. "These guys, they're the best. They're not cops, they don't belong to the government."

"So who are they?"

"They're a group of elite men and women. They've been in the military but now are their own company or should I say task force. Look, I don't know much about them other than they're the best and they will make sure your family is safe."

"That's all you got?" I question.

He lets out a heavy sigh, "No, my brother, Macka, is part of the team. Boss, the only reason I even know about the team is because of Macka."

"I thought your brother died."

"Yeah boss, you're finally getting why they're the best."

"How long has this team being going? What do they specialize in?" I ask, wanting to find out as much as I can.

"Um..." He wavers, "That I’m not entirely sure of, I’ve not long found out he’s still alive.”

They’re mercenaries, that’s what they are. "I'll let you know, in the meantime talk to Barney and let him know what the situation is. Tell him to keep his ear close to the ground. I'll be arriving there tonight and I'll be bringing Jagger and you with me."

“Macka?” I question and his head pops up, his eyes wide as if he’s been caught out. Yes, that’s right fucker, I know who you are.

“Macka?” Jagger spits in disgust. He knows who Macka is. “It must be a fucking riot at family get togethers. What with you being a ghost and your brother a traitor.”

Macka pulls against his restraints. “He’s not a traitor,” he yells, his face red with anger.

Jagger pulls on Macka’s hair, his head flies backward. “That’s where you’re wrong. Your brother is a traitor. He has hurt innocent women, he killed a woman for no reason other than pleasure. He took Hudson’s woman. He’s a dead man walking. He’s betrayed our boss, the man that trusted him.”

“Why should he be the boss? Why should he have everything when Martin has nothing?” Macka yells, anger lacing his words.

“I’m the boss because it’s what I have been destined to be since birth. Just as my father was. I am the son of the boss, the grandson of the original Kingpin. There was no one else to be the boss.”

He smirks, as if he knows something I don’t. “That’s not entirely true. You want to know the truth, you should look a lot closer to home.”

I advance on him, this cloak and dagger bullshit doesn’t fly with me. If you have something to say, spit it the fuck out. “How about you just tell me?” I grind out.

The look in his eyes tell me he’s never going to answer me. He'd rather die than betray his brother. With Hulk like strength, he escapes his restraints and within the blink of an eye reaches for his ankle, my teeth clench when I see the glistening of the gun barrel. “Jagger.” I growl but it’s too late, he’s already got the gun in his mouth.

“No,” I hear the tiny whisper, but it’s too late.


Blood splatters everywhere, as his body hits the floor. “Who the fuck let him in with a gun?” My anger palpable. “Check the fucking others.” My nostrils flare as I try and keep my composure, I’m close to ending everyone in this room for their incompetence. “Now!”
