Page 50 of Dangerous Secrets

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Walking back into the house, I hear laughter. I stand at the door and watch as the two women I care about most in this world, laugh as though they have no troubles.

“Has Hudson always been so…” Mia trails off as if she's trying to find the right word.

“So intense?” Mom laughs.

“Yes!” Mia cries. “Hudson’s been intense from the moment I met him. He just had this air of intensity and mystery about him. I’ve been drawn to him from the very beginning. He's so bossy and direct.” Mia bites her lip, it’s what she does if she’s worried.

“Hudson is direct, just as his father is, and no doubt just as I am. We get straight to the point, because there's no sense in beating around the bush with a hundred words, when you can say one. With Hudson, the intensity he has with you is different, his intense stems from his love. It’s obvious to see that he loves you, it's clear to see just by one look. I’ve never seen my son so… in love.” Mom smiles, she likes Mia and Mia’s comfortable around her.

“But the intensity he has with you, is his drive and his need to ensure your safety. Mia, when you were taken Hudson was a wreck, it was that moment that I know that Hudson had found the woman for him. My son doesn't become a wreck, he is the boss, and he needs to show his strength and his power. But when a man finds a woman they truly love, that woman becomes their greatest weakness,” Mom tells her and it’s not malicious, she’s informing Mia, from the wife of a boss to another. Or soon to be.

“Weakness?” Mia whispers sounding horrified.

Mom reaches over and grasps Mia’s hand. “Weakness. It's not a bad thing Mia, you’re his weakness - not in the sense that you are making him weak but in a way that if any of his enemies wanted to hurt him, the quickest way to do so is by hurting you. But while you are his weakness, you are his greatest strength, just as it should be, Mia. Do not over think it, it is what it is and there’s nothing you can do about it except be vigilant if you are out without a man on your back. Although, I doubt that will ever happen.”

I smile, she’s preparing her, informing her of everything I would never.

“This is how I knew that Harrison wasn't the man I had always believed he was. “I was the mother of his child, he would have done anything to protect me. I wasn't the woman he loved.” Mom tells her honestly, a hint of sadness in her tone, and Mia gasps, her eyes filling with tears.

Mom shakes her head. “Mia, it’s okay, it was hard but I’m okay about it now.”

“Did you know about his other son?” Mia asks softly and I tense, I haven't said anything to Mom about Martin.

“I did know. It also wasn't my place to say anything to Hudson. Harrison had a secret and it was his secret to tell. He promised me that Hudson nor I would ever have to deal with Martin or Martin’s family, that he had no intention of being a dad to him or inviting Martin into our family. I knew that Hudson's grandfather Henry wanted Martin close. Henry was all about family and he didn't agree with Harrison's decision not to have Martin part of his life.”

“Henry?” Mia laughs.

Mom rolls her eyes. “Yes, Henry, Harrison, and Hudson. If you ever have a son Mia, you’ll be expected to name him something beginning with an H.”

Something flashes through Mia’s eyes but I’m not sure what it is but as quick as it was there, it disappears.

“In the end it was Harrison's decision and it was a decision that I fully supported. By the time Harrison and I got married and we had Hudson, Martin was older and he was in with a bad crowd to be quite honest and it was something that I didn't want Hudson to be around it was also something that Harrison didn't tolerate, the family didn't tolerate it.” Mom explains and I understand why she wanted it to be a secret, but I still can’t believe that they managed to keep it quiet for over thirty years.

I step out of the shadows. “So how did he become part of the family?” I ask, knowing that I’m going to get an honest answer from mom.

“Jesus son, you scared the life out of me!” Mom cries placing a hand on her chest, her other hand still holding onto Mia’s. She takes one look at my face and realise I'm actually being serious and want answers. “Your grandfather found out about the trouble that Martin was in and decided to help him out.” She shakes her head. “Your grandfather went against your father's wishes and introduced him into family. There's only a handful of people who knew that Martin was your father's son, those people were sworn to secrecy. Your dad was livid but couldn’t do anything as your grandfather was the boss and he had to do as he said but god he hated it.”

“How did Martin find out about Dad being his dad?” I ask, and it’s something that I’ve yet to work out.

Mom shrugs. “I’m sorry son, that’s something that I don't know. You’re going to have to ask your father.”

I walk over and take a seat beside Mia. “Mom do you think dad can be trusted?” I'm asking her because after everything she's been through with him, with her being part of this life, his life, she will answer me truthfully.

“Trusted on what? That's a loaded question, Hudson.” She releases Mia’s hand, and sits back in her chair. “Can your dad be trusted in a relationship? God, no. Can he be trusted with a secret? Now, that's debatable…”

I decide to just ask her what I need to know. “Can he be trusted with my life? Will he betray me?”

She doesn’t even hesitate. “Never, he would never betray you. You are his pride and joy, whoever put that thought in your head is wrong. There is one thing in this life your dad loves and I'm looking at it right now,” she tells me honestly and I nod. “Hudson, your father is a lot of things but he would never betray you or the family.”

“So he wouldn’t help Martin?”

She frowns. “Over you? Never. He’d die first.”

That’s what I thought but so much has happened that I’m doubting everyone.

“Hudson, trust your gut,” Mom tells me. “It’s time to eat.” She rises from her chair and walks into the kitchen.

“You okay, Princess?”
