Page 10 of Watt and Bothered

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“Will you be joining us at the country club for lunch?” he asked.

I shook my head. “Sorry, no. I’m planning to stop in Lady M before I go shopping. I heard they have amazing cake, so I didn’t want to miss out on the chance to try it.”

My dad nodded. “Ah, makes sense.”

My mom’s lips pressed together as her gaze drifted to my stomach. I knew she was gearing up to say something about watching my portions, and I didn’t want her negativity in my head when I met Silas for lunch. So I flung my arms around her for a quick hug and brushed a kiss against her cheek. “See you later.”

I darted toward the door before she could reply, yanking my jacket off the hook on the wall as I headed outside. Dragging the crisp fall air into my lungs, my lips stretched into a wide smile as I trotted down the steps. I had plenty to be happy about since it was a gorgeous day, and my parents hadn’t second-guessed my excuse for leaving. Not to mention the sexy beast who was going to meet me at the restaurant in thirty minutes—more than enough time for me to enjoy my walk to the town center without needing to rush. I’d still be there at least ten minutes early.

Unfortunately, my good mood didn’t last for long.

After walking into the restaurant, I beamed a smile at the hostess. “Hello.”

“Good afternoon. You’re meeting someone for lunch, right?”

My grin widened as I nodded. “Yes, I’m here for a date.”

“He beat you here.” She leaned close and whispered, “And you’re a very lucky girl to have caught his attention.”

My eyes narrowed as she turned around to lead me toward a table in the back of the restaurant. Although I was happy that Silas was looking forward to our lunch so much that he arrived earlier than me, I didn’t like the idea that she’d been drooling over him until I got here. Being jealous over a woman he couldn’t even touch was silly, but after how he kissed me last night, I already felt territorial over him.

Except my irritation ended up being pointless since the man waiting for me wasn’t Silas. When the guy stood with a smile, I stopped and tapped the hostess on the shoulder. “Um, I think you have the wrong girl. That’s not who I’m here to meet.”

Her brows drew together as her gaze dropped to my dress. “But he described you perfectly when he arrived, right down to what you’re wearing.”

“He did?” My head reared back, my eyes widening as my gaze darted toward the stranger who had apparently been waiting for me.

“Sorry about the confusion, but I really am here for Juniper.” He waved her away with a smile that made her giggle as he rounded the table.

I took a step back and asked, “How do you know my name?”

“Your dad told me when we golfed yesterday.” He stretched his palm out toward me. “I’m James Winston.”

I quickly shook his hand before dropping my arm to my side. “And you’re here because…why exactly?”

“Your dad called to see if I had any plans today.” He gestured toward the table. “Since I was in town and had some free time, he suggested that I meet you for lunch.”

“Oh.”Of course, he did.I should have known that my parents would find a way to ruin my date with Silas without even knowing about it.

“Yeah, our parents pushing us together is kind of awkward.” He raked his fingers through his hair. “But there are much worse things I could be doing with my time than sharing a meal with a beautiful woman.”

“What the fuck did you just say?” a familiar deep voice growled from behind me.

Whirling around, I found my date glaring at James. “Silas.”

His focus shifted to me, and the fury in his bright blue orbs was replaced by masculine appreciation. “Sorry I’m late.”

“You’re not.” My cheeks heated as I admitted, “I was just early.”

A muscle jumped in his jaw as he quirked a brow. “Early enough to replace me with another guy?”

“Never,” I whispered, shaking my head.

“Good.” He moved to my side and slid his arm around my back, shifting his attention back to James. “You should get lost so I can enjoy my lunch with Juniper.”

“Sorry, man. I didn’t mean to horn in on your date. No harm, no foul?” James held his hand out to Silas.

Instead of doing what I expected—avoiding touching the guy my dad wanted me to impress—Silas slid his palm against James’s. Seeing the thick leather gloves he was wearing, I assumed the risk of him giving James a shock was low…but I was wrong.

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