Page 33 of Reckless Soul

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“No!” the answer comes out sharp as a razor, I can’t have Nyx fighting me on this, I’m in enough trouble as it is.


“Nyx, please. I’ll be fine. It’ll be so much worse if you come in with me,” I beg, hoping he understands.

He doesn’t look impressed, his eyes narrowing, and his nostrils flaring the way they always do when he’s pissed about something.

“Fine… but I ain’t going far. You know where I’ll be, if you need me flick your bedroom light a couple of times.” He twists his body around, his finger tipping up my chin to give him access to my mouth.His lips brush softly across mine and I can still taste myself on them. Even the shit ton of trouble I’m in doesn’t stop me from smiling at that.

“Thanks,” he whispers against my mouth. And I wonder what he’s thanking me for? Surely, I should be the one thanking him.

“What you thanking me for?” I give in and ask, laughing nervously.

“For being reckless with me today.” The soft tone of his voice and the hint of shyness in his expression makes whatever punishment I’m about to receive from my parents totally worth it.

I smile back at him before sliding myself off his bike and Nyx nods his head at me, for reassurance. He stands up from his seat, sliding his sunglasses back over his eyes, then kick starts his engine. The loud roar shakes through my bones, and I watch as he rips down the street, turning onto one of the side roads so he can access the back of the house.

It’s a comfort knowing he won’t be far away as I make the journey to my front door, my hand trembling as I pull down the handle and let myself in.

The large hall, or the reception as Mom likes to call it, is disturbingly silent, and I slip out of my pumps, picking them up to tiptoe as quietly as I can towards the stairs.

“Your fucking daughter has ruined this family’s reputation.” Father’s voice comes booming from his office. It’s typical that I’m always referred to as “her” daughter when I do something wrong.

“I won’t tolerate it, Joanne. The girl’s growing to be a desperate little slut, just like her mother.” I seethe with anger, especially when I know the loud slap that follows his cruel words will have landed on Mom’s face. This is all my fault. Mom is suffering all because of my selfishness. I knew when I got on Nyx’s bike that there would be consequences, I should have guessed that it would be Mom who’d be made to suffer them and I won’t let her endure it a second longer.

Running across the hall, I burst through the doors into my father's office. And what I see in front of me is far worse than anything I imagined. The slap I heard wasn’t aimed at mother’s cheek, it’s her back that he’s struck, and it’s his belt, not his palm that he’s made the strike with.

Mom is on her hands and knees in front of his desk, her blouse rolled over her shoulder and I count at least five angry welts that have been thrashed against her skin. Black tears streak through her thick layers of foundation, and she turns her head from me in shame when she realizes that I’ve seen what he’s done.

“What is this?” I ask, pure rage the only thing suppressing my tears.

“Ahh, your little slut returns, darling.” Father’s eyes roll over me in disgust. His lip snarling at me like an aggravated dog. “Look at the state you’re in. Your dress is creased, your knees are grazed… Did you fuck that boy?” he spits out at me harshly, making me cringe.

“Vincent, please,” Mom begs through her tears, and Father silences her with another sharp crack against her sore skin.

“You should be punishing me for what I did. Not Mom, none of this is her fault,” I scream at him, growing the balls I should have years ago.

“Your mother should know better, she should have raised you better… Look at her, Joanne. Look at your slutty wreck of a daughter.” He grabs Mom's cheeks in his podgy hand, squeezing them tight and forcing her to look at me. “Tell me, darling, are you proud of her now?”

Mom shuts her eyes tight, but not before I see the disappointment that they hold for me.

“You will receive your punishment when I’m finished here. I suggest you go and clean yourself up… I will call you down when I’m ready.”

“Mom?” I call out at her, urging her to stand up and fight back. To take me and leave this house and this wicked man behind us.

“Please Ella, just do as your father tells you.” She puts on a familiar brave face. Even on her knees with her bare back exposed and bleeding in front of me, she’s still trying to maintain her dignity.

I turn and run up the stairs to my room. Slipping out of my dress to take a shower, I drench myself in the warm sprays allowing the water running through my hair to drip onto my face and disguise my tears.

Mom steps inside my room an hour later and judging by the state of her face, he hadn’t finished with her when I left. She won’t be leaving the house for a good few days, not even the most expensive cover-up makeup is gonna hide his marks this time.

“Your father wants to see you.” Her voice sounds cold, and I ignore the wrench in my gut as I force myself off my bed. It’s dusk outside and there’s every chance Nyx is still watching. I contemplate flicking the switch as I pass it like he told me to. But it won’t help. Him coming in here will only make Father angrier. I stop in front of Mom and pull her into my arms, being careful not to touch her back. I hate myself for what she’s been through and it takes a while but eventually, her arms lift enough to hug me back.

“I’m so sorry, Mom,” I cry into her shoulder.

“Ella, just take your punishment gracefully,” her voice is emotionless as she offers me an apologetic smile, then backs away and walks across the landing to her room.

After a few deep breaths, I take the steps down the stairs one at a time while torturing my mind with the thoughts of what he might do to me. Dad’s never raised a hand to me before. Up until now, he’s seemed satisfied in knowing how much I hurt when Mom pays for my actions.
