Page 128 of Pretty Little Psychoy

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People gave me a curious glance, but no one said anything until we reached the kitchen.

There were a few people lingering around the table, and a guy looked up at our arrival and scowled when he saw me with Cruz’s arm draped over my shoulders. “What the fuck, Cruz?”

“What?” he replied bluntly, steering me towards a chair and pulling it out for me to sit in before he gave me his attention again. “Coffee? Milk and two sugars, right?”

“Thanks.” I smiled shyly, not liking everyone's attention on me.

The moment Cruz moved away to make my coffee, another guy sat beside me with a smirk on his face. I remembered him from Riley’s place one time, and I was pretty sure it was Drake.

“How did Cruz manage to get you into his bed, huh? You’re not his usual type.”

“Why am I offended by that?” I snorted, but Cruz scowled.

“Leave her alone. She’s just a friend, not a hookup, and I don’t fucking have a type, asshole.” Drake reached out to touch my hair, and I jerked back to avoid it. My heartbeat started thumping harder when I realized I was in a place I didn’t know with a bunch of random guys. I trusted Cruz, but none of the others. “Hey!” Cruz barked, smacking the back of Drake’s head firmly. “Don’t fucking touch people without asking. Besides, I wouldn’t touch her if I were you. For starters, her and Riley broke up last night, but secondly, she’s Archer Hendricks’ daughter.”

My cheeks heated, but the grumpy guy from earlier spoke up. “Andthatis my problem with the whole thing. Why the fuck would you bring her here? He’s going to burn our warehouse down.”

Cruz rolled his eyes, placing my coffee in front of me. “He’s fine with it as long as I keep her away from Drake.”

“How’s that going for you?” the guy deadpanned, assessing me like I was a problem to solve. Drake was rubbing the back of his head, the playful mask slipping from his face as he watched me with concern.

“Sorry. I forget that not everyone’s way of expressing themselves is touch. Do you want breakfast? I can make you anything you want.”

“It’s okay,” I said softly. “What are you having?”

“Sliced avocado and tomato on toast. You don’t want it.”

“I’d love some.” He chuckled lightly, but a smile took over his face at my answer.

“You need to help these other pricks learn to eat properly. They think it’s gross,” he replied as he got to his feet. “Knox tolerates my menu sometimes, but it’s rare. Stone would die if he didn’t get his bacon for breakfast.”

“How are you guys all fit if you eat garbage?” I asked with disbelief, making who I assumed was Stone, raise an eyebrow.

“We don’t eat garbage. We just don’t eat the bullshit cleansing crap that Drake does. There’s nothing wrong with eggs and bacon before a workout. If you like eating rabbit food, go for it.”

“Ignore him,” Drake said cheerfully as he started slicing up a tomato. “He hasn’t been laid in forever and it’s fucking with his mood.”

“Taking it up the ass regularly isn’t something you should brag about when we have a guest,” Stone grunted, making me frown. If Drake was gay, then why was he flirting so badly with me?

“Do you have a boyfriend?” I asked curiously, amusement filling Drake’s eyes.

“Yes, but if you ask him, then no. Right, Knox? You don’t like that label. It feels too gay for you, right?”

One of the guys at the table growled, glaring daggers at him. He’d looked ready to murder me the moment I walked through the damn door, but he’d stayed silent until now. “Shut the fuck up.”

“He’s a little touchy about it, but don’t worry, he doesn’t let me touch his butt. Thought you should know so you don’t think he’s too gross,” Drake said sarcastically, my heart hurting for them. If people were being mean to them for choosing to be together, that wasn’t fair. Drake didn’t seem bothered by it, but Knox looked ready to bury me so I couldn’t tell the world his secret.

“You can do who you want. It’s nobody else’s business,” I said, turning to Knox. “You look mean enough to knock anyone out who talks shit anyway. Why are you so worried?”

Cruz snickered, sitting beside me and motioning to my coffee. “Stop while you’re ahead, Hendricks. Drink your coffee.”

“I’m just saying.” I shrugged, lifting the mug into my hands. “I’ve been sleeping with Riley, but I’m not gay.”

Drake sighed, placing a plate in front of me before moving around the table to sit beside Knox with his own plate. “It’s fine. I like him grumpy. Angry sex is awesome.”

I cringed, remembering the few times Stanley had fucked me while mad. It was painful, not enjoyable. I couldn’t imagine how awful it would be to take it in the ass like that.

“If you’re dating Knox, then why are you flirting with me?” I asked flatly as I raised an eyebrow. “I don’t want him getting angry at me as if it’s my fault you have no self-control.”

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