Page 136 of Pretty Little Psychoy

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“Says who? You’re not just some girl, Luna. Riley’s been in love with you forever. It’s not just sex between you two. From what I heard, Riley threatened Penny for harassing you. She’s left and I doubt she’ll be back.”

“I didn’t know that.” I had no idea Riley even knew about Penny bothering me. “It’s weird talking about sex with my cousin so let’s not,” I grumbled uncomfortably. We always talked about everything when we were younger, but now we were adults, some things seemed weird to tell him. A vulnerable expression crossed his face and he cleared his throat.

“Can I tell you a secret? Something that only Riley knows?”

I shouldn’t have felt hurt that she knew something that I didn’t, but it was hard. I’d always been the first person he told secrets to, but I guess things had changed.

“Of course.”

He let go of my hand, rolling onto his back to avoid my gaze. “I’m gay.”

“But, you’ve slept with girls?” I said slowly with confusion as I processed his words, his face heating.

“No. Girls made up rumors and I just didn’t stop them. There were one or two in early high school, but I didn’t like it. It did nothing for me. It wasn’t until I met up with some guys that I realized why.” He swallowed nervously, still refusing to meet my gaze. “I got into trouble one night. The guy was too rough and he was an asshole. I didn’t have my car with me, and I didn’t want to call my parents to pick me up because they’d want an explanation.”

Understanding dawned on me. “So you called Riley.”

He nodded, his voice quiet. “I knew I could openly tell her without judgment, and she’s still the only person to this day that knows. Well, other than you now.”

“You really haven’t told your mom? She’d support you, you know?” I offered, but he shook his head, finally meeting my gaze with shame.

“I don’t want her to be disappointed with me. She sees me finding a wife, having kids, and she always asks if I’ve got a girlfriend. She’d support me, yes, but I don’t want her to be disappointed.”

“She wouldn’t be. She just says that stuff because she assumes that’s what you’re into. What happens if you meet a guy you really like? Are you just going to keep him a secret forever and marry a woman to keep up this ruse?”

“I haven’t figured that part out yet,” he murmured. “How did your parents react to you and Riley?”

We talked for a few hours before he took me home, and I scowled as I checked my location app out of habit to find Riley tailing us from a distance. How was I supposed to stay mad at her when she was trying so hard to fix it? I kept telling her to leave me alone but that didn’t mean she was going to stop following me to make sure I was okay.

I wanted to see her, I missed her, but I had to stand my ground.

I said goodbye to Landon and headed inside the moment we arrived, not wanting to get cornered by Riley in the front yard. Mom gave me a concerned once-over as I pressed my back against the door once it was closed and I let out a breath.

“Are you okay? Is someone out there?” she asked with worry, glancing towards the drawer beside me where I knew there was a gun hidden.

“It’s just Riley. She’s become the stage five clinger that she always bitched about,” I said dryly as Dad walked in, his face blank.

“I can go out there and tell her to fuck off if you want.”

“She’s not hanging around the door. She’s just following me in her car as if I don’t know she’s there.”

“I’ll make her own mother threaten her,” he grumbled, pulling his phone from his pocket and sending a text. I had no idea what he sent, but he seemed satisfied with the response he got back.

“Where’s Tempest?” I asked, his eyes going straight to my swollen nose.

“Considering she’s grounded, that’s a good question.”

“There’s a heap of parties on tonight. She’s probably at one of those.” I shrugged before glancing at Mom. “Are you working tonight?”

“I was supposed to, but if you want me to stay home I can get Milky to cover for me,” she said straight away, making me smile.

“I’d like that. We can have a movie night.”

“You girls have fun,” Dad said as he put his phone to his ear and jiggled his keys. “I’ll tell Milky he’s in charge tonight. I have to meet up with the Soldiers for a few hours so I’ll be home later.”

Mom groaned. “Can you and Axel play nicely?”

“The little bitch is sending his guys to deal with me. He can’t even face me.” He scoffed. “I still owe that fucker a bullet for that time he shot me.”

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