Page 152 of Pretty Little Psychoy

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“If anyone can convince them not to tear me limb from limb and dump me in acid, it’s you,” he said with a straight face. “And I kept her safe, didn’t I? She refused to leave without you. Sue the girl for being in love with you.”

Cruz’s phone rang, and he cringed as he hit answer. “Uh, hey, Donovan. What’s up?”

Everyone shut up, and Beckett was yelling loud enough through the phone that I could hear parts of it.

Apparently, they were watching us on the surveillance cameras.

I turned and looked up at the one closest to us, flipping it off with a taunting smile and making Cruz groan.

“Yes, she can hear you because you’re screaming at me like a banshee.”

“Tell her to go to fucking sleep and mind her own business,” I said sweetly, and he handed the phone to me as he rolled his eyes.

“She wants to talk to you, and I’d prefer it if you would so I don’t have to be the middleman.”

I took it, pressing it to my ear. “You checking up on me, big sister? Don’t panic, I’m not escaping.” I chuckled as a huff of annoyance left her.

“Tell that bastard to leave before I come down there and put my knife through his chest.”

“He can hardly walk, so that’s not very fair,” I joked, and I could almost hear her teeth grinding with frustration.

“Not Reid, Ander. I want him gone.”

“Yeah, and I want a lot of things that I don’t get, but I’ll get over it,” I replied. “Good night, Beck.” I hung up before she could yell at me.

Turbo sighed, giving the camera a small wave. “I’d better go to save the drama. Let me know when you’re feeling better. We’ll catch up.”

“Are you honestly running away from my sister? You’re Ander fucking Lavaro. Your business has just as much reach as ours,” I said in disbelief, but he shook his head and unlocked his Supra.

“Your sister’s psycho and I don’t want to deal with her. I’m not stupid enough to think I could take on your family either. I might be a big player, but your family’s got a fucking army. Call me, alright? I’m glad to see you in one piece.”

I grinned, moving towards him and throwing my arms around him in a hug, my muscles screaming in protest. “Aw, I’m so glad you came to see me too.”

“Get off me,” he grunted, but he let a smile slip as he turned, dropping his arms gently around me to return the hug. “If you need anything, just let me know. Get a hold of Blake too. She’s worried about you.”

“Tell her I’ll speak with her soon. I’ll let my family drama blow over first,” I said as I stepped back, and he nodded in return.

“Will do. You call me if you need anything too, Reid.”

“You can come and blow me if you’re offering,” Reid said lightly, and Turbo laughed as he climbed behind the wheel and shut the door, leaving the parking lot as quietly as possible. Cruz sighed, glancing at his phone to check the time. “I should probably go too, now I know you’re good. I have to be up in a few hours for a job.”

“What job?”

“Someone’s hired us to steal some flashy jewelry that apparently belongs to their family.” He shrugged, a frown tugging at my lips.

“How do you know if they’re telling the truth?”

He grinned, opening his car door to lean on it. “I don’t give a shit about that. If they pay me, I’ll take it.”

“Don’t get arrested,” I teased, making him snort as he slid into his seat.

“You too.” Then he shut the door, leaving me and Reid to get back to our rooms to try and get some sleep.

Apparently, our late-night stroll had worn me out, because the moment I got Reid back in his bed and I got back to my own, I passed out hard.



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