Page 66 of Wrapped in Winter

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I update them.Congratulations boys!I’ll wait by the main doors

I amble around, killing time. I decide to visit the restrooms again and when I exit, I smack clean into a man’s body.

“Ooff, sorry,” I begin, just as I catalog who’s in front of me.


He doesn’t look much different from when I last saw him. His brown hair is maybe a little longer, and his narrowed eyes are still a muddy brown color, but it’s the tidy beard that’s the biggest change.

For a second, I’m lost for words, but my heart must be reading this faster than me because my pulse picks up as if a threat has been detected. “What are you doing here?” I demand, knowing it’s probably to do with the recent legal action I’ve been forced to take.

“Some guy at Stein Hotel told me where to find you. Leo?”

Fucking Leo.

“How do you know where I work?”

“I asked at Wardorff-Messen.”

“They don’t give out personal information.”

“Well, some chick did when I told them it was a family emergency.”

My mind races to think who it was. “Was it Janelle Stiller?”

“Yeah, I think that’s what she said.”

Figures. Janelle stole my promotion from me, ratting on me to HR. Apparently, she’s still extremely unlikeable. “Why the hell did you post that video of me?”

The past twenty seconds he’s been playing it cool, careful to answer my questions and appear amenable. But anguish twists his features when I accuse him directly. “Hey, look. I’m sorry. That was immature, but you’ve got to stop this court case, Winter. It’ll destroy me.”

“I don’t have to do anything you say.” I turn to leave but he snags my arm. I shake his touch loose. “What?”

“Please, I’m asking nicely here. I’m really sorry.”

“You have no idea what you put me through. How exposed I felt. It was like I was constantly being spied on. Watched. I can’t believe you would do that to me!” I relay angrily. “I had a guest at the hotel come up to me because herecognized me, Levi. How about that?” I push his shoulders, shoving him away from me before turning to leave again.

I owe him nothing. But soon, he’ll oweme. I don’t care about the money, I just want him to suffer a fraction of what I’ve had to endure. To understand the instability and the continual vulnerability I felt as I wondered how many other men were going to approach me and ask for a go. It took me months to get with a guy again, paranoid that I was being unwittingly filmed.

I almost make it to the main doors but Levi grabs hold of me again and lifts me off my feet. I yell, protesting, but the building has emptied, and there’s no one to help me.

“Put me down!” I yell. I’m pretty tall for a woman but that doesn’t stop him from wrangling me like I’m half the size I am.

“Not until you listen to me!”

Too many things happen simultaneously. All I know is that another pair of hands are on me as I start to fall. Levi is staggering away, a loud crack registering. Several deep voices overlap. I hear my name, hear threats and warnings toBack away.When I see that I’m in Roo’s arms and that Brecken has a forearm braced across Levi’s throat, pinning him to the wall, I suck in a much-needed breath. And then panic surfaces.

I can’t have my legal counsel getting pulled up before the court.

“No,” I whisper. “He’ll get in trouble.”

“He’s defending you. It’s fine.”

Levi and Brecken scuffle but it’s clear who’s taller, stronger, and who has the upper hand. Panting, exhausted, Levi stops trying to wriggle free.

“Stay the fuck away from my girlfriend.”

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