Page 8 of Grumpy & Bright

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“This is the oldest and our fierce protector, Prancer.”

“Well, hello there, Prancer. Nice to meet you.” Noah says, holding his hand out so he can be sniffed. The other three are kind of hanging back, waiting for Prancer’s approval. He sniffs him and then looks at me as if he is telling me I can let him go. I look up at Noah who also nods his head so I release Prancer. I watch, a bit nervous, watching like an anxious mom, while my baby circles the new guy, sizing him up. When Noah gets on his knees and Prancer goes up to him and licks him once on the cheek and walks away, I breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course once he gets the stamp of approval from Prancer the other three rush him and he falls over laughing. “Come on guys. Get off him.” Once he gets right, I introduce him to the rest. “This is Dancer, Dasher, and Vixen.”

And hopefully, he wants to be part of our family.



Besides the dogs,the first thing that I noticed is Christmas exploded everywhere in here. She already has a tree up, so I can’t help thinking that decorate my tree thing was code for something. Every surface is covered in Christmas decor and glitter. There is so much glitter. It’s like a stripper rolled around in here. I can’t help smiling.

I greet the dogs, who are just about the cutest dogs I’ver seen. Instantly, I know this is why left the other night. She couldn’t leave these babies alone all night. They have on Christmas themed bandanas, like they’ve just come back from the groomer.I’ve always liked dogs, but these dogs are seriously cool. She treats them like people and that’s adorable as hell. She casually mentioned that she doesn’t bring many men here, and I am irrationally relieved that she doesn’t.

Once the dogs calm down, she looks over at me and smiles. That fucking smile. It’s wrecks me.

“Would you like a drink? I know it’s early, but I have beer, wine, whiskey?”

“No, thank you, Jinny.”

“Okay,” she says, wringing her hands in front of her. “How about a tour?” Her condo is only slightly bigger than mine.

“Sure,” I say. “Lead the way.”

“Okay. This is the kitchen, living room, dinning room, home office space,” she says twirling around the room. The decor suits her. It’s currently Christmas themed, but something tells me it’s Christmas themed, year round. We walk down the hall. There are four doors. “Linen closet, she says pointing to the one closest to us. Bathroom.” She opens the door and shows me a small, but functional full bath. It doesn’t look like it’s ever been used. “Guest room.” This room is also decorated with Santa’s, elves, gnomes, and various other Christmas creatures. “And this is my room,” she says.

“It’s big.” One wall is dominated by a huge bed. A bed that I am dying to get her in.

“Excuse the mess. I wasn’t expecting company,” she says, picking up a pair of panties off of the floor and tossing them into the laundry hamper.

“And over here?”

“Bathroom,” she says sliding the door open. This one… is a mess. There are little ponytail holders scattered everywhere, make up and perfumes haphazardly strewn about the double sinked counter. “Like I said, I wasn’t expecting anyone,” she says closing the door. I chuckle and pull her into my arms.

“I like that you weren’t expecting me.”


Leaning down, I kiss her. She comes apart in my arms and moans. That moan is like a starter pistol. I break the kiss off and she groans.

“No. Why did you stop?” she asks, her lips a little swollen.

“Tell me you don’t want me, Jinny. Tell me to go home and never come back.”

“I can’t do that.”

“Why not?” I ask, my fingertips touching her cheek.

“Because I want you. I want you to stay,” she says reaching for me, her hands gripping my t-shirt.

“When I fuck you again, you’re mine forever. No more running.”

“Okay,” she says, smiling at me. Fuck, that smile.

I kiss her again, before slowly stripping her down.

“You are so beautiful, Jinny.”

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