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Fury coursed through my veins, urging me onward.

The Wild Hunt and seelie fae bastards could go to hell right alongside my foster dad.

I was no one’s fucking prize.

I wasn’t someone they could hunt down and mate with.

They might have dragged me in from Earth, but I sure as fuck wasn’t about to go down fighting. If one of them tried to do what my foster dad had, they’d sleep with the fucking worms just like he had.

No one got touse me, human, or fae, or any other fucking creature.

My anger propelled me on, and on, and on, pumping through me so hotly that I didn’t notice the thick scratch marks on the trees or the glimmering bits of scale mixed in with the dirt.

When the sunstarted to go down, I knew I had to find a place to rest.

I was exhausted, I was dripping in sweat, I was starving… I could’ve kept running anyway, but with the sun going down, I had no idea what kind of animals might come out, and no way to see when the darkness of night descended fully.

So I slowed to a fast walk, eyeing the trees around me. They had changed a little, growing thicker and sturdier-looking, but the colors were the same and the trunks still looked more like stone than wood.

When I saw a massive tree with a hole carved in its trunk that looked wide enough for me to fit inside, I slowed further before stopping and eyeing the thing.

I didn’t know what I was waiting for; for a damned fairy to come flying out of the center of it?

My fists clenched, ready for a fight.

A minute passed, and then another.

No fairy.

No sign of anything, actually.

I took two steps closer, my body still tensed and waiting.

When nothing happened for another two minutes, I bent down and grabbed a rock off the dirt ground beneath me. My fingers wrapped around a hunk of some kind of smooth obsidian-looking stone, but my eyes caught on something…


It was a dark red color, and looked smooth, like some kind of gemstone on a ring, but bigger.

One hand tightened around the obsidian, and the other reached for the dark red thing.

It had to be a rock, didn’t it?

I picked it up carefully, pinching the thin red thing between my fingers and lifting it out of the dirt like the damn thing might come to life and bite me.

It didn’t come to life.

I eyed it anyway.

It was just as smooth as I had thought, formed into a diamond-like shape with three rounded corners and one flat edge where the fourth corner would’ve been. Unlike a rock or gemstone, it was mostly flat, only curved the tiniest bit.

Staring at the thing, I tried to come up with what it might be, but couldn’t think of a damn thing.

And I needed to be running, still. Or hiding, at least.

The bastards would be coming after me soon.

I tucked the strange red thing into the pocket of my faded, ripped jeans—I’d tossed my coat and sweater into the forest shortly after I started running—and tugged the hem of my old t-shirt down.
