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I don't run even though I want to. I'm not going to eat snow in front of him again. I almost fell two times last night on this walkway. Hopefully the boots will help with my balance because my coordination sucks.

Iceman leans over and opens my door from the inside. "Hold the handle there," he points to the long metal handlebar by the door, "and hop in."

I do as instructed and buckle up getting comfortable in the big seat and monster machine. I'm super excited with all the buttons in front of me and I know my eyes are huge.

He laughs watching me closely, then pulls out onto the road. "You're glowing like a star on top of a tree."

"Don't laugh at me. This is actually kinda cool." He hands me my coffee and I smile sweetly at him. "Thank you for this." I take a small sip testing the temperature. It's not really hot anymore so I drink deeply. There's no complaints here. I'm good with any kind of coffee as long as it isn't decaffeinated.

"You're welcome. We don't have a lot to do today since it didn't snow much last night. Do you want to help with the list?" He shows me his super organized clipboard.

"Sure," I take it and see all the different streets with instructions next to each one. There are a few house addresses too. "Some of the addresses have a big zero. What does that mean?" I show him quickly and he nods without having to look.

"I don't charge some of the elderly people around town to do their personal streets. Since this is private land the town doesn't pay for much because we don't collect taxes. I do the high school for free too. It’s what my dad wanted." He shrugs and clears his throat.

Wow, that's really nice of him.

"Are we working on the school today? I would love to see it." Honestly, it's weird that I would want to considering my memory of high school is foggy.

"You would, why?" His tone borders on hostility. He's staring at me skeptically like I'm lying or teasing him. Iceman is true to his nickname right now and looks back to the road shaking his head.

"To see a small town high school." I frown at his confusing reaction to my not so crazy question. Why would I lie? I shrug while taking another drink of my coffee. This time it's bitter and I sigh, my pleasure from the new activity fading. I glance out my window at the snow covered trees all around us.

This was a bad idea, and I don't even know this man. Now I’m stuck with him. I look over again at the same time he does. He curses and pulls over to the side of the road. The tires slide a little at the abruptness of his stop. I'm completely shocked and grab the dash, careful not to spill my drink.

"I'm sorry." He rips off his ski mask absolutely frustrated.

My eyes bug out of my head at the sight of him. This guy is beyond gorgeous, like with a capital G. His rare color combination is so erotic that I just stare. My eyes roam all his dark brown skin and then they meet the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen. I’m dumbfounded by his beauty and I don’t understand why he wears the ski mask. I set the coffee down before I spill it.

Did he say something?

Then suddenly he starts cracking up and his dimples decide to make an appearance for the first time. That amazing laugh sends goosebumps along my skin.

"What?" I'm enchanted but self-conscious and massively pouting with my bottom lip out.

He grins tilting his head at me. "Nothing, I just remembered something." His brows pull together staring at me confused. "If I knew you better, I would almost say you were eye fucking me Joyride, but that couldn't be, right?" His big frame invades my side of the seat and I freeze. The cold from his body makes me shiver and lean closer.

"Why do you want me to-" I gasp in complete shock because he moves with lightning speed.

My back gets pushed against the passenger door. His mouth hovers above mine and I look down briefly before meeting his eyes. "Tell me to stop or kiss me back. No half ass kisses, give it all to me."

There's no thinking, I just react by opening my mouth for his tongue. I end up in his lap rubbing against him and I have no idea how long we've been here. Somehow his embrace is filled with energy that ignites my soul. His hands are cold on my cheeks as his tongue worships mine eagerly. He groans in my mouth then pulls away reluctantly. I know I'm blushing when he stares at me and I want to fan myself. It's like cold sweats but I'm not sick at all.

"I keep telling myself we need to take it slow, but you make me wild with anticipation. We've waited so long." He pulls me closer, kissing me again.

I sigh and attack his mouth back, willing to do this forever. I have no idea what he's talking about but I don’t care with his skilled mouth working magic on me.

He pulls away again and sets me back in my seat. Iceman may need some ice water for the tent I spy in his pants. I notice he doesn't replace the mask when he starts the engine and that makes me happy.

I'm not really sexual and that's probably why my fiance cheated on me. I glance at the beautiful man next to me. He does something to my sex drive that I can’t describe. I’ve never felt this way but the last few days have been eye opening.

Saint seems to always be on my mind now with his yummy chocolate chip cookie scent. Hot peppermint kisses flash through my mind and I picture Blitz’s face. Plus, Don’s little strip tease was epic and got my engine running. Even the shy man in the green suit and bright hair calls to me. Okay, maybe it’s just the North Pole men that turn my vagina into a warm roaring fire on a cold winter's day. Basically, I'm all hot and bothered.

"I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.” He’s staring straight ahead and I see his hand reach for the mask between us.

I cover his hand with mine and smile sweetly when his head snaps in my direction. “Tell me how to read this thing again.” I pick up the clipboard, shaking it at him.

His shoulders relax and he grabs my hand squeezing it once. “We will start where the green arrow is on the list. Unfortunately, I already did the school earlier but I have hockey practice after we’re done if you want to tag along?" He frowns looking at the road then reminds me. "We are going mini golfing later tonight too."
