Page 21 of Finding Reese

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“I know I normally keep dinner to the weekends, but I feel this is important,” she says and fidgets with the napkin in front of her. It’s rare that she ever fidgets, and it’s always been when she’s nervous.

I furrow and brace for whatever it is ‘cause with the way she’s fidgeting, I have a feeling we’re all gonna hate it.

“I’ve met someone,” she finally answers.

Fuck me.

“You’ve met someone?” I keep my voice calm and watch Mom closely as my brother and sister remain quiet.

“Yes, his name is Luke, and he runs the community center,” she says and goes on to ramble. “I know I’ve never had the best of luck with men. Your dad ran off, leaving me with you three, not that I would ever change a thing about any of you, but it wasn’t easy. You all know this, I tried dating, and they all ended up being assholes and—”

“Mom, you can stop,” Rhett grumbles, stopping her before she can continue down that road. We all know who she is and what it must have been like for her to raise us on her own.

Dad took off after Rhett was born. From what I remember back then, he wasn’t that great of a dad, but he was around. He came back a while later, and Mom took him back. He knocked her up with Reyna and took off on us all. This time around, he didn’t even stick around for Reyna to be born.

“How long have you been dating?” I ask.

“It’s been about two months.”

So, she’s been seeing this guy for a while. Longer than I’ve been home and she’s just now telling us about him. I watch her with assessing eyes seeing that she must really like this Luke guy.

“If he makes you happy, Mom, I’m happy for you.” I nod and go back to picking at my plate.

Rhett and Reyna make remarks about her dating and that they want to meet the guy before my sister changes the subject.

“Reese, I’ve been seeing a lot of footage on the sports channel about some guy talking smack about you,” Reyna states.

I tense and slowly lift my gaze to look in her direction. “And what? It’s typical.” I try to brush it off.

“It might be typical, but still, this guy takes it to a whole new level.” Reyna shakes her head.

“He’s just looking for a reaction.” I shrug. “I’m not getting tangled up in Niko’s shit.”

“More like you’re being a pussy,” Rhett growls.

My eyes turn to him, and I level a glare at him. “Come again?” I demand, coming to my feet slowly.

“I said you’re being a pussy,” he repeats, also getting to his feet.

I lean across the table, my lip curling in disgust. “You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about . . . calling me a fuckin’ pussy.” I straighten and leave before I do something stupid. I don’t need to get into a brawl in my mother’s dining room.

“Bullshit. That’s all you are,” Rhett states, following me out into the yard and getting directly in my face.

“You need to step back, Rhett,” I command, balling my hands into fists at my sides.

“Pussy. What are you afraid all his taunts he’s been throwing out are true, and you won’t be able to defeat him? You weak or something? Fuckin’ pussy.”

“Boys, that’s enough. Don’t you do this. Back to your corners,” Mom snaps, trying to stop us, but it’s too late.

I throw the first punch at my brother, hitting him in the jaw. Rhett staggers back but comes at me in full force. We end up fighting right there in our mom’s yard. I can hear both Mom and Reyna screaming at us to stop, but we keep at each other. Only when something wet hits us do we separate to see what the hell is going on. Mom had enough and got the water hose to use on us.

“Now, boys, like I said, back to your corners,” she snaps, glaring at us both. Mom drops the water hose and points to the house. “Inside. We’re going to discuss this.” When her eyes focus on me, she plants her hands on her hips. “Time for you to tell us what the hell is going on with you. No more hiding.”

I nod, knowing my mom’s right, but this isn’t something I want to do.

* * *

Back at the table, I lean back in my chair and let out a breath before opening my mouth. I tell them everything.
