Page 43 of Finding Reese

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“You little bi—”

Before Niko can finish his insult, a large hand latches on to the back of his neck, and he’s being tossed out of my space.

All the chaos around me still, and I’m now standing face to face with Reese. His chest heaves up and down, and every one of his muscles ripples with tension. That same fury I saw when he beat down Benny’s father flames in his eyes.

He can’t lose it. Not now. If Reese loses his temper now, Niko will win.

Those dark, intense eyes that I’ve missed so much slowly scan my body before coming back to my face. “Did he fucking touch you?” Reese growls.

“No. He didn’t. I’m okay,” I answer right away.

When I turn my head, I notice that Ezra is no longer standing there either. I guess one beatdown was enough for him.

“That’s right pussy. I’m here for your bitch and your so-called claim to fame,” Niko says from the side where Reese threw him.

Reese turns like a top and takes a vicious step toward him.

“Move! Get out of the way!” I hear someone yell. Closing my eyes, I say a silent thank you to the powers that be when I see Corey pushing his way toward us.

Corey spares me one glance before he steps in front of Reese. “You know he’s just trying to fuck with your head, Reese. Haven is fine. Safe and right here next to you. Don’t let that piece of shit drag you down to his level.”

Reese doesn’t respond, he just nods once.

Corey and I both let out a breath now that we know this isn’t going to come to blows.

“All right, ladies and gentlemen. I think it’s time we get this weigh-in started,” Corey shouts loudly, and the entire place erupts in roars and applause. My first instinct is to cover my ears with my hands, but I pull my shoulders back and take another step toward Reese’s back. I don’t need to be scared with him here.

Niko and Ezra make their way to the stage first, and once they are seated, Reese and Corey start walking. Everyone is staring at him. The spotlight is bright on him. Exactly the place I don’t want to be, but for Reese, I’ll do it.

I grab hold of his hand, letting him know that I’m here with him. He shoots me an unsure glance before he looks forward again, and the three of us make our way to the stage.

The entire weigh-in is the biggest display of showboating I’ve ever seen. Something that takes me twenty seconds to do in my bathroom at home takes them more than twenty minutes. All while they are weighing, Niko is talking shit. About Reese. About me. About his family. Anything that he can think of to engage Reese. I’m happy when Reese doesn’t take the bait.

Niko may be loud and have a lot to say, but Reese’s deadly silence is far more intimidating.

I’m so fucking proud of him.

Corey makes a few announcements, talks about the betting, and finally, both fighters are free to go their separate ways until the fight tomorrow night. Once we step down from the stage, a throng of people come swarming up to Reese, but he doesn’t stop. He holds on to my hand tightly, and we beeline straight for the locker rooms.

The second we’re inside, he locks the door, and I breathe out a sigh of relief. I can still hear the distant sound of the people outside, but it’s so much quieter in here.

Just me and Reese alone.

“Haven . . .” he starts, his eyebrows scrunched in and his hands balled into fists. “Why did you come here?”

“Reese, I’m here for you.” Begging isn’t really my thing, but I know I need to try and explain what’s been going through my mind over the past week.

“What about all the shit you said in your house.”

Laying my pride and ego on the ground, I release all my doubts and open up to him. “Reese, this life isn’t anything I’m used to. It’s loud, violent, and it’s fucking scary. I’m not used to people with cameras running up to get into my face. I’m not used to having to deal with testosterone-fueled dickheads. The secrets and the lies . . . none of it. But even knowing I’d have to deal with all this, I still want to be with you. You make me happy, and you care about me and my wants. You’re a good man. I’ve been a fool to try and look over all of that.”

He opens his mouth to speak, but I put my hand up to stop him. “The women, the fans, and those fucking pictures . . . I trust you, Reese, truly I do, but seeing that shit was infuriating. Logically, I know you’re always going to be in the public eye, and the women are always going to be there, but if you’re going to be with me, their hands stay off your body and vice versa. I don’t want to have to fight for what should be just mine.” I hitch one eyebrow at him, daring him to say something against my words.

“Haven, I’ve never cheated on you. I have no reason to. You’re everything I will ever need. No fangirl would ever stand a chance against you. I just want you.” His body is relaxed now, and I can see the sincerity in his eyes.

Happiness floods my heart, and for the first time since he walked out the door of my house, I feel like I can breathe. “You’ve got me, Reese. I’m all yours.” My voice cracks, and a tear falls down my cheek.

“I’m never letting you leave again. This week’s been fucking hell.” He grunts out before he grabs hold of my waist and pushes me back against the lockers. He kisses my tears away softly before he dips his head lower to press his lips to mine.
