Page 49 of Priceless Kiss

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Saint steers me to a quieter room in the back of the house, with large couches strewn about. “So you’ve known Sebastian a long time?” I ask, not wanting to waste this opportunity to dig for info with someone who has history with him.

Saint settles beside me. “Unfortunately,” he grins. “We met back at Oxford.”

“What was he like back then?” I ask eagerly.

“Oh, the same arrogant control freak,” Saint replies. “But enough about him, I’m more curious about you.”

He drapes an arm over the back of the couch behind me, his fingertips grazing my bare shoulder.

I pause. Is this man being friendly, or…?

“I’m not that interesting,” I reply with a shrug.

Saint chuckles, his gaze running up and down my body. He doesn’t even try to hide the fact that he’s checking me out. “I sincerely doubt that. How long has Sebastian been hiding you away from us?”

“Not long,” I reply. “I don’t really know him that well yet.”

“What’s there to know?” Saint says. “As long as he’s taking good care of you.” He pauses, his fingertips brushing me again. “Is he?”

I flush. There’s something about the amusement in Saint’s eyes that makes me wonder what’s going on here. If he knows Sebastian—if they’re friends—he would never just go around hitting on his girl, not after seeing how possessive Sebastian is. It’s a recipe for disaster—and total self-destruction.

So what’s the game here?

“I’m just curious about him,” I say, deciding it’s best to play along. “What was he like when you met him?”

“Seb back in the day?” Saint smirks. “He was pretty much the same as he is now. Intense. Lord and master of all he surveys.”

“And you’re not like that?” I ask, adding a flirty note.

“Well, I can tell you a secret,” he says, moving to fully rest his arm around my shoulders. He leans in, breath hot against my cheek. “Sebastian’s the sinner, and me? I’m the saint.”

He caresses me again. I freeze, unsure of what to do.

Then, I see Sebastian return, walking toward us with drinks in his hand.


I recoil from Saint, expecting Sebastian to cause a jealous scene like he did with the handsy jerk at the club, but he doesn’t even flinch.

“I see you two are getting along,” he says instead, with another cryptic smile.

“Just like old times,” Saint says, taking a glass from Sebastian and raising it in a toast.

“Perhaps the three of us should get together for dinner sometime.”

“Perhaps,” Sebastian agrees, giving me an appraising look. “What do you think, Avery?”

“Sure, why not?” I blurt. Clearly something here is going way over my head. I bounce up. “Bathroom?” I ask.

Sebastian nods down a hallway. “That way. Don’t get lost.”

“And if you do, have fun!” Saint adds with a wink.

I leave the room and make my way through the crowd, glad to have a moment to breathe. This party is like nothing I’ve seen before. It’s elegant and sophisticated sure, but it has a wild, end-of-the-world feel too: People doing lines of coke off priceless antiques, right beside a table of people playing serious games of chess—in their lingerie. And in the corner… I see a couple, writhing together.

And they’re not just dancing.

I need a moment to catch my breath, that’s for sure. And watching all this blatant debauchery… My body is getting hotter,tighter.
