Page 288 of Filthy Truth

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Before I let myself be hugged.

Before I experienced the loving embrace of a woman who’d been a surrogate mother to me my whole childhood.

Acceptance felt strange.

But good.

It was like I could breathe easier. As if my shoulders weren’t as weighed down as they’d been just five minutes earlier.

Over Lorelei’s shoulder, I saw Savannah watching me, tears in her eyes.

Somehow, that made this real.



“What are you working on?” I asked as I propped my chin on Star’s shoulder a few hours later.

Her browser had a bunch of tabs open, over a hundred plus. How the fuck she worked like that I had no idea.

“A hunch.”

My brows lifted. “What kind of hunch?”

I didn’t just glance over the tabs this time, but at the content.

“Something that was said today at the dinner table triggered…” At her hesitation, I pressed a kiss to her shoulder in gentle encouragement. She sighed. “I’m checking bank statements.”



“Thought you’d gone through those?”

“I did. I’m just double-checking my work.”

“Are you keeping something from me, Star?” I asked lightly.

She turned her head and pressed a kiss to my cheek. “No. I know I’m wasting my time but I have to check. Why waste yours too?”

“Tell me what the hunch is.”

“You’ll think I’m insane.”

“I do anyway. I am too. We can be insane together.”

That had her snorting but she didn’t immediately answer.

Brain ticking, I tried to figure out what might have her instincts tripping. “Is it related to Temper Black and Eagle Eyes?”

“Nah. He’s still stalking her. Though I am trying to figure out how she knew about Muñoz stalking me.”

I hid an amused grin at how blasé her tone was. “Belyaev?”

“No. Not really. Asswipe. Kat had a nightmare about him last night.”

“I heard her cries.” And they’d fucking killed something inside me, especially when she’d asked to sleep next to Star. Her confidence was such that you could forget she was a little girl sometimes.

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