Page 353 of Filthy Truth

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“No, Enzo, you’re not. I love you and I love that you and Third are our bringers of chaos, but today, you need to be good. This is bigger than all of us. Mom has worked for decades for this moment, ya hear me? She’s earned this.”

“Hey, so’d Conor,” I argued.

Kat sniffed. “I love my dad, but he didn’t know anything until Mom came along.”

“Girl power,” Niall said with a sigh.

“Exactly,” Kat chirped. “We’re the best, Niall. Remember that now and it will save you lots of problems in the future.”

Though I snorted, I saw the other cars were parked, my family already on the sidewalk. “Right, are we good to go?”

“I think I need the bathroom,” Enzo whined.

“Jesus,” Kat grumbled, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I took you twice before we got here. Do you really have to go?”

His bottom lip popped out from between his teeth. “Maybe?”

“How about you make a decision now, kiddo,” I quipped, “and if you decide not to drive Kat and me crazy, then we promise we’ll take you to the movies tonight.”

“Can I pick what we go see?”

“Duh.” I didn’t care what we watched. Not if Kat was there. It was a win-win for me.

Enzo grinned, revealing a space where his teeth were missing. “I don’t need the bathroom.”

“Magic,” I drawled.

“Enzo, when you smile, keep your mouth closed. We have to look perfect for Mom.”

That had me blinking at her. “Star never said you had to look perfect.”

I’d know. I was there, listening into their conversation when she’d asked Kat to help with the younger kids. Kat was only on edge because of something else Star had shared with her.

Apparently, she had a large legacy from her father and a living aunt from his side of her bloodline too…

I had no idea why that knowledge upset her, but it had, and she’d been acting like a dragonfly had burrowed into her ear and taken it hostage ever since.

“No, she just asked us to look decent,” Kat agreed. “So, look decent we will. Right?”

Niall sniffed. “You’re worse than Lenin.”

“I’m not,” Kat argued, straightening her shoulders and then grabbing Enzo’s hand. “And I regret telling you about him now.” To me, she ordered, “You get Niall.”

“I’m not holding his hand! I’m not a kid,” Niall cried.

“Don’t worry, dude,” I soothed, clamping my fingers on his shoulder. “That better?”

“Much better,” Niall said with a sniff, glowering at his sister who surprised us both by sticking out her tongue at him.

I hid a grin at the move because that was Kat. Not this uptight Type-A chick that was dealing with something since Star had dumped the news of her inheritance and her aunt on her last night.

Why she’d waited until this moment to share that with her kid, I didn’t know. Maybe it was because Kat was starting college in the fall, or maybe she just figured it was time—who the fuck knew how Star’s mind worked?

What I did know was that Kat was dealing with the aftermath of these revelations and me being the moron who was head over fucking heels for her, I wanted to help.

Even if that only meant corralling the demon spawns that were her siblings.

As guards gathered around us and aides began to lead us toward a stage, we stayed in a pretty tight formation, which was a miracle considering how many of us were here.

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