Page 63 of Clubs

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I roll my eyes and turn to walk out the room, but the sound of him clearing his throat stops me.

“You need to toughen up.”

“You’re right. How did it take me so long to realize that? I amsosorry I’m not checking all the boxes on your ‘good little hostage’ checklist.”

“I bet you’re a joy in bed,” he says arrogantly.

I scoff. “Probably, ’cause you get off on violence.”

This gets his attention. “I don’t, but there are many other women you can ask if you’d like some reassurance.”

I cross my arms. “Charming. Was this one of your many quick fucks?”

“They’re not quick, but if you’re willing to find out ...” he says glibly.

“God, you are insufferable!” I scream.

“And yet here you stand, talking to me.”

My arms fall down to my sides and I let out a wearied breath, curling my fingers into a fist. “Ego is one hell of a drug, Mikhail.”

“I’m sure it is. That’s how I got so far in life. What do you have to show? Nothing.”

He uses my lifestyle against me as if I could do anything to help it. “And what do you have to show, Mikhail? Dead bodies? Fake cash because you can’t get the real stuff?”

“Stop,” he demands.Looks like I’ve hit an open wound.

I don’t stop. “You know, you fear success, but you really have nothing to worry about.”

“Stop before I say something I can’t take back.”

“Aw, what? You want to wound me with your words?”

He grabs me by the shoulders and grips me tightly, but not in a way that could hurt me. “I have things to show for my success. I do it for my family. But you couldn’t relate to that, could you? No, because you were adopted.” He speaks the word “adopted” as if it carried darkness. He might have gotten too caught up in the argument and skipped the part where he was taken in as well. Does he think I don’t know I was adopted?

I lift my chin up and say, “At least I was wanted, you dumb fuck.”

His head tilts in disappointment. “See, now that’s the issue with open-minded people like you. They just don’t know when to keep their mouths shut.”

Before I can stop myself, my hand lands across his face with a loud crack.

Mikhail bites down on his lip and nods slowly. Stunned by my own actions, I back away from him.

“You have five fucking seconds.” He stares me down while my back finds the wall. “One.”

My breathing quickens, and I bolt out of the room. Running down the hallway, I pass by the living room and take the stairs two at a time. I question if I should run to my room, but he knows that’s the room I’d go for.

Instead, I go to his.

All my things are still in here. The sheets are bundled together, exactly how I left them only a half hour ago. My heart is pounding so fast I can hear it in my head. I turn to look at the door and then rush to lock it shut.

“Oh God,” I mutter to myself. “What the fuck is wrong with me?”

I turn quickly, making myself lightheaded.Where the hell am I supposed to hide?Moving quickly to the bathroom, I search the drawers for something to protect myself with. Luckily enough, there’s a knife. Leave it to Mikhail to have a weapon hidden in every square foot of the house.

When I hear the bedroom door unlock, I throw myself against the wall, forcing my hand over my mouth the keep my noise to a minimum. I can hear his footsteps getting closer.

“You should learn to hide better.”

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