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I shake my head. “She’s not that close to her dad and I’ve never met them. I’d really like the first time I do to not be when I’m begging for forgiveness.”

Brady scratches his head. “Good point.”

“What does she want more than anything?” Miles asks. “Maybe you could get her that.”

I ponder his question for a minute, thinking back to whether I ever heard her mention a purse or designer shoes or a car she’d want. But then I think of his question in a different way.

What she really wanted was to be able to keep her job and for us to be together out in the open.

An idea hits me like the punch of a heavyweight boxer.

“I know what I have to do.” I walk back across the room and pick up my phone off the table, scrolling through my contacts until I find Jaron’s.

With a deep breath, I hit his name and leave the room so that he and I can have a private conversation. He’s not going to be happy. But I don’t care.

I meant it when I said I’d do anything for the woman I love.



It’s been a little less than three weeks since I’ve seen or talked to Lee. It’s getting harder and harder not to unblock his number and call him. During a moment of weakness the other night, I Google searched him. I just needed to see his face.

Now that a lot of my anger has passed, I can see that he didn’t intentionally hurt me or use the situation to get what he wanted, but it doesn’t make it any easier to swallow that I’m the one who ended up paying the price while he was unaffected by our relationship. Still, I owe him a conversation at the very least.

I’m meeting Bryce at her place, then we’re going to head out to do some Christmas shopping. I’ll be leaving for home in about a week and will stay with my parents over the holidays. When I return, it’s time to start looking for a new job.

It won’t be my dream job with a professional football team, because I can’t tell them about my experience and have them get a reference that I screwed the quarterback, but it could be worse.

Once I’ve parked and backtracked the couple blocks to Bryce’s building, my phone goes off in my purse. I pull it out in case Bryce is telling me she’s running late, but it’s a notification from the sports app. I click on it as I’m walking through the lobby door to Bryce’s building and gasp when I read the headline.

Rumors Spread That Kingsmen Quarterback Wants Out of San Francisco

I read the article as fast as possible. It states Lee is apparently going to be a free agent after the year is up and is looking at either Los Angeles or Seattle. He has no interest in staying with the team when he said only months ago San Francisco was his home.

“What the hell?” I whisper. A door opens and I slide over to allow the person to pass.

“I’m assuming you just saw the article?”

Bryce’s voice pulls my attention away from my phone. She’s standing in the doorway looking as chic as always.

“Why would he want to leave the Kingsmen? It makes no sense. He wanted to stay in San Francisco.”

“Dunno. But man am I pissed they got the scoop before I did. My boss is going to have my ass tomorrow.”

“I was just thinking that I was going to call him later so we could talk, but I guess it doesn’t matter now if he’s moving. Is he moving to get away from me?”

“Hey.” Bryce grips my upper arm. “You’ve run him out of town because everything he sees reminds him of you.”

A sad smile forms on my lips. “I don’t know what this is. I mean, he fought so hard to get us back together and I made a rash decision, but would he really just move away?”

She rubs my arm, giving me a compassionate look. “Do you still want to go shopping or do you want to do it a different time?”

I shake my head. “No, I have to get something for my parents before I fly home.” I suck in a deep breath through my nose. “I’ll reach out to him later, but I can’t wallow every time I see Lee’s name in the news. It’s not healthy.”

“If you’re sure…”

I nod. “I am.”

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