Page 13 of Tease Me

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I glower at him. What with Nix and his weird fucked up grudge and No Mercy acting like the psycho he is, I might as well put an order in for a prison uniform to save the police the time. “Will you sit down for one fucking minute? You’re giving me a migraine. If we keep her here for two weeks, I have some rules.”

Mercier sits and lets out a long, exaggerated sigh.

“Rule Number one,” I say, ignoring him. “She does not leave this apartment. Not under any circumstances. The next time she walks through the outer door will be the last.”

He gives me a salute. “Eye, eye, Captain.”

“Rule number two. We don’t invite anyone up here. The cleaners aren’t expected back in until just before my parents are due back. No one needs to be up here except you, me, and Nix.”

“Should he deign to return.”

“Right,” I say, crossing my legs and leaning forward. “Rule number three. We don’t tell anyone about this and once it’s all over, we never fucking mention it again.”

Mercier nods. He’s got some serious weird quirks, but I’d trust him with my life. The dude can keep a secret.

“We take it in turns to stay with her. Nix took the car keys when he left so we can assume he took the car. We’ll have to use my father’s Merc. Which brings me on to rule number four. Don’t drive like the fucking maniac you are. We drive between Manhattan and Campus and back and that’s it. An hour and a half each way. Don’t scratch it, don’t dent it and don’t get a ticket. You get the first watch. I need to head back and calm Nix down before he blows this whole thing up.” I stand and head for the sliding French door to the apartment.

“No rules about not fucking her?”

“I don’t care. I already told you. Have your fun, but don’t treat her like shit like you do all the other women you fuck. We need to keep the bitch happy if we have any chance of making it through this. You think you can do that?”

“So don’t fuck her and chuck her? Hump her and dump her?”

I let out a long sigh and wonder if leaving her with Mercier is a good idea. It’s certainly not one of my best, but I can’t see a way around it. I can’t play babysitter for two full weeks. I have shit to do. “To you, she’s a glass princess. Don’t fucking break her.”

He skips around me and opens the French doors for me. “You still haven’t told me how we plan on extracting the money from Waldgrave without giving her up in return.”

My eyes flash over at Lucinda at the other end of the apartment. I don’t think she’s heard us over the sound of the TV. I close the door behind me and lower my voice. “I’ll come up with something, but for now, remember what I said. Glass Princess!”

He nods and claps his hands together like a clown at a kids’ party. I stride through the apartment, purposely not looking at Lucinda. She might have to be treated like a princess, but the bitch has got all of our balls caught in a vice.



I’m going to have so much fun with her. So far, she’s done nothing but sit with her leg up on the sofa and listen to some shitty soap opera on TV. People call me weird, but she makes me look positively sane. At least I do things. She’s not moved since Dacre left with strict instructions not to leave the apartment.

Luckily for me, this is New York and you can get pretty much anything you want delivered to your door at any time of day or night.

The internal phone rings. “Mr. Dacre?”

I affect a British accent and try to sound like I have a stick up my ass. “This is he.” I might not have Dacre’s money, but I can do impressions and right now I’ve nailed his voice perfectly. It helps that I’ve spent the last few years using my friends’ voices to hone my talent. I can pull off Nix pretty well, but his voice is so much deeper than mine, which strains my vocal chords. Dacre’s light timbre is much easier. The fact that he sounds just like his father means I can do a pretty great Jonathan Dacre impression, too. It might come in handy in the coming two weeks.

“Delivery for you. Would you like me to send them up?”

Hell yeah, I do. “Yes please. Please do that. Tara and tally ho. Toodle pip.”

I laugh as I hang up.

I haven’t ordered food. I know how to cook better than most. When I leave school, I’m planning on opening my own restaurant. Dacre did a quick food shop from a list I gave him before he left, so I know there’s enough food to make something great. No, this delivery is something much more exciting than mere food.

Anticipation runs through me as the doorbell rings and I answer it. A kid, not much younger than me, hands over a couple of bags. If it wasn’t for Dacre and Nix, I’d be that kid. Wasting my life delivering shit to rich assholes in Manhattan, or stealing from them. I throw him a hundred-dollar bill I found stashed away in one of the kitchen draws. Rich people, with their million dollar security systems, don’t even know how to hide money. I’ve already found three thousand dollars and I’m willing to bet I’d find more if I looked hard enough. I also found a credit card that paid for the stuff in the bags.

The kid checks out the tip and gives me a wide grin as I shut the door.

“Okay gorgeous Sinful Sin. Let’s make you live up to that name. I’m going to make you dinner, then I’m going to make you spectacular.” I speak under my breath so she doesn’t hear me. I don’t want to spoil the surprise. “Then after all that, I’m going to make you mine.”

I set the bags to one side, then set out all the ingredients I need to make dinner. Dacre will probably order food in on the nights he’s watching her, but when she’s with me, she’ll dine like a queen. Ever since Dacre, Nix and I moved in together, I’ve done the cooking. We’d probably survive on takeout pizzas if it wasn’t for me. Not that I have anything against take out pizzas, but Sinful is a queen who deserves gourmet meals. I still can’t quite believe I’m in the same room as Lucinda Waldgrave. It’s like my favorite wet dream has come to life. She’s just as striking in person as she is on the covers of Dacre’s mom’s magazines. Even better because she’s not dripping in makeup and designer jewelry. It’s just her and a fuck-awful dress that I have to get her out of as quickly as possible, if not for my sanity because it truly is the most disgusting item of clothing, then for the fact I want an encore of earlier. Nix stopped me from doing anything to her when she stood there, naked. He didn’t see it as I did. As usual, he got his panties in a bunch and made it into something it wasn’t. She wanted us to look at her. To see her as she truly was. Well, Sinful, you are going to get your wish, because after you dine on the mouthwatering meal I give you, I’m going to dine on you.

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