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“You used me. You used all of us because of your ambition to be king.”

“Stop lying, mother.”

It went on and on, switched back and forth until his ears were ringing, and his body was riddled with agony. His head snapped up when he scented blood, and he growled when he spotted a human servant approaching him with her neck exposed and her arms reaching out. Hunger flared for sustenance, but he shoveled it in and scrambled back—only to be kicked forward until the human servant was catching him.

“Be grateful for the kindness we offer,” the queen stated. “Come drink and find it in your heart to tell us the truth.”

He glanced at the scholar, who scribbled the scenario, no doubt painting the queen’s unending show of compassion despite the odds she faced. When he refused to give in and take an ounce of blood, his face was shoved toward the servant’s neck, where blood was already trickling. Nate’s stomach heaved, but he roared and heaved away as far as his chained body could carry him, toppling a few guards along the way. The next few minutes became lost in a haze of legs stomping and kicking him down and someone boldly knocking his head. The stars returned until he was numb from the pain; all he could do was curl there and wish for it to be over.

“Enough!” the queen called out, voice faint through the haze. “What on heavens are you doing, son?”

He opened his mouth to answer, but even making that movement was agonizing. Belatedly, it occurred to him that the last question wasn’t meant for him. Helena went on, rattling off in a symphony of irritation and exasperation, forgetting about her composure momentarily. There was an order for the guards to leave, and Nate heard the hammering sounds before he was pinned in place and they were gone. Nicholas’s voice floated in, brimming with glee.

“It’s too good to pass up, mother. I had to bring her here.”

“They know she’s dead. This was a stupid move, son.”

Nate’s eyes snapped open, wondering if he was dreaming. Or dead. Or maybe they were talking nonsense. He could make out the scholar still in the corner, more alert as the man peered at the scene ahead while his pen kept wriggling. The queen and the crown prince were standing close, tension in their body language as they got into some heated discussion…but they weren’t alone. In Nicholas’s hands, held very tightly with sharp nails on her jugular, was Winter, head held high and looking like she had been through hell and back with her torn, dirty clothes and her pale complexion.

His heart stuttered, then beat rapidly. He lunged, but the chains hammered down made movement impossible, and there was nothing he could do but helplessly watch on while Nicholas had her in his grip. Winter didn’t look at him, her attention on the pair before she cleared her throat. The queen’s head snapped at her, the annoyance redirected.

“You dare to interrupt us?”

Winter cleared her throat. “Your son found me first and made sure I wouldn’t be seen by the others. It was surprising to find myself announced dead, but I suppose it works out perfectly.”

Perhaps expecting her to beg and whimper for her life, the pair didn’t know what to do with her statement.

Helena’s eyes narrowed. “Why is that?”

“I need to talk to you alone. I have valuable information to negotiate.”

Nicholas’s brows rose, and his fingers tightened. “Let’s hear it—”

“Alone,” Winter hissed. “It’s valuable information, and the queen needs to know first before she decides what to do with it.”

Her persistence threw everyone for a loop, and he wished he knew what was going on in her head. But the biggest surprise was the queen stepping back, assessing Winter thoroughly, then squaring her shoulders. Nate’s body turned rigid in response.

“Nicholas, will you leave us alone?”

Nicholas scowled, not liking it one bit. “No.”

Helena glowered, then flicked a glance in Nate’s direction. The lack of compassion had Nate feeling the last spark of hope for his mother die, realizing the woman who had raised him was no longer there.

“It might help us incarcerate your brother faster.”

“I don’t like it,” Nicholas protested.

“We all have to sacrifice things for the crown, my darling,” the queen said, giving a pointed look at the scholar. The message was clear:write that down.“Maximus, please do not write Winter’s name down until this is clarified. I will come back with news, and we will continue getting the truth out.”

The woman took over, removing Winter from Nicholas’s grasp and holding her less severely but nonetheless still tightly. They passed by Nate, two forms ramrod straight and equally determined. For a second, he feared it would be the last he would see her without even looking her in the eye…and then, he did look her in the eye when her head turned slightly as if to cough, but it was really to catch his gaze. Ice blue orbs seared into him, fiery with intent and shining with the love he felt in his heart. Then it was gone as she looked away, but one thing was clear. Winter had come back willingly and she had a plan—a mad plan, an unknown plan…a big one.

And Nate could only hope that the plan wouldn’t get her killed.

Chapter 13

Winter thought that being captured by Nicholas had been nerve-wracking, but it was nothing compared to the feeling of having the queen lead her to a space where they were essentially going to be alone. They bypassed the main hall where the guards were, walking a short distance until they reached what appeared to be a private dressing room. Inside, she took note of the fancy garbs hanging in golden closets before the click of the door pulled her back to reality.

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