Page 103 of Fierce Seas

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“Yeah, it’s great news. Have you given them the list of clothes you want from your apartment?”

“Not yet.”

“Listen carefully. This is what you’re going to do.”

“That’s bloody brilliant,” Ewen declared as Scott finished speaking. “I can pull that off, no problem.”

“Great, I’ll start the tracker at precisely 11:15 p.m. The money must in place by then.”

“No worries, mate,” Ewen replied confidently.

“I don’t know what kind of deal we can work out when this comes to an end,” Scott said solemnly, “but I’ll do my best for you.”

“I’ve worked for assholes my whole life, but I’ve never met anyone like Conchello. I’m bloody grateful you’ve given me a way out.”

“I suspect you’re not alone. Working for the devil, things must get pretty hot.”

“They do, and speaking of things getting hot, I have to call you from my bathroom and I’ve been in here too long already.”

“Go, and good luck.”

“Luck is for rabbits, mate, but thanks.”

“That sounded encouraging,” Elizabeth said as the call ended.

“It was,” Scott replied as his phone rang again. “Now what?” he muttered, looking back at the screen. “It’s Sam, one of my team. He’s picking up the Jeep. Hey, Sam, what’s up?”

“Someone broke in. They found the key in the cigar holder and cleared out the contents of the hidden storage area.”

“That’s crazy! I didn’t get an alert!”

“That’s weird, but it’s not the only thing. The passenger seat has been pushed all the way back and lowered as far down as it can go, like someone used it to sleep in.”

“Pull prints and run them through the data base starting with Daniel Miller, and look for long black hairs.”

“You’re shittin’ me,” Sam exclaimed. “You think Miller was in this Jeep?”

“Nothing would surprise me at this point, and Sam, leave it the way you found it. Whether it was Miller or someone else, they can’t know we discovered the theft. If they do they won’t turn on the phone. That’s the only way we’ll know where they are.”

“Gotcha, I’ll pull the prints and see if I can find those hairs, then take off.”

“Get me those results yesterday.”

“You bet, boss.”

“You think Dan broke into the Jeep,” Elizabeth asked with wide eyes as Scott ended the call.

“Yep, and if I’m right, he now has cash, a phone, and a loaded gun; speaking of which, is there something you forgot to tell me?”


Elizabeth’s face burned hot.

Averting her gaze, she tried to think of something to say, but everything that sprang to mind sounded feeble.

“Let’s start at the beginning,” Scott said patiently. “You decided to see if you could find the entrance to Conchello’s encampment off the beach. Being a cop, you’re used to carrying a weapon going into dangerous situations. How am I doing so far?”

“Uh, yeah,” she muttered, thinking he didn’t seem as upset with her as she’d thought he would be.

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