Page 31 of Deny Thy Name

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“Gunnar, it’s Romy. I need your help.”

“No shit,” he said, angrily. “What are you going to do?”

“I’m taking Jolie on my boat,” I told him. “We just need some things before we go. Ben is with your dad so I can’t ask him.”

Gunnar was quiet for a moment. Maybe he would betray me and tell his father my plans and both Jolie and I would be fucked. My heart rate sped up a little but when I heard his resigned sigh, I knew he would come through for me.

“What do you need?”

“Go to the marina and get the boat ready for us. I have a feeling we’re going to need it running by the time we get there.”

“You got it.”

He hung up before I could say anything else. There would be time to mend this bridge between us when this all blew over. I had to focus on protecting Jolie and protecting my legacy first.

Jolie had grabbed a hat from the bedroom and tucked her hair up underneath it. She pulled it right down so you couldn’t see her eyes.

“That’s too obvious,” I told her. “Here, I’ll wear the hat and you dress in anything but that alluring outfit I cut off you.”

“Well, I can’t wear it now. I did find some clothes in the cupboards though.”

“My mother’s. That’ll work.”

She nodded and headed back into the bedroom while I waited for word from Gunnar or Bennett. She came back out with one of my mother’s dresses on. It made her look a lot older than she was and that was probably a good thing right now.

Amir would know that his son would be trying to help me escape, and would probably be keeping an eye on him so we needed to execute this with precision.

“Come,” I said. “We need to go now.”

She nodded and followed me into the garage to get to my father’s prized beast of a car. He never drove it anymore and this was usually where he hid things he didn’t want anyone else to see or know he had. As I started the engine, the entire garage vibrated with the power of the car.

I didn’t have time to relish in it though, so I took off back into the city, back to where we could be torn away from each other if we so much as dared to stay too long.

Jolie took off to get us clothes and food while I headed to the armory. We needed weapons and I needed burner phones to get by.

“Meet me back here in twenty,” I told her. She nodded and ran over the street and into the mall. I headed into the armory, the owner would know I’d be in trouble by now so this may turn into a shootout if he decided to be stupid. For years I’d been feared here, but that had all come crumbling down around me because of one stupid and reckless moment.

Ah well, I couldn’t think about it now. I certainly didn’t regret killing that fucking asshole.

I entered the store and headed straight up to the counter. Derek looked at me, his eyes darting out everywhere to see who else was in here.

It was just he and I.

I could feel the emptiness of the store and the threat coming off him. He’d wanted to take me out for years and here he had a shot at me, no witnesses. No fallout.

“Did you really think I would come here without a little bit of backup?” I asked him. He hesitated. His hands were still under his counter where I knew he held a glock for security purposes. I palmed my own weapon, the one I kept on me at all times, and waited for him to make one sudden movement.

He was tossing up with the idea of being the one to kill or wound Roman Moreno. He’d be a hero to so many but he knew the odds of getting me unaware.

He knew I could kill him without a second’s notice.

His eyes were twitching left and right as I noticed his hand tremble. Fucking idiot.

My gun was out faster than he had time to pull the gun free from the counter and I shot him in between the eyes. He stilled the moment the bullet entered his skull and fell back against the wall.


I put my gun away and grabbed a bag to load up with ammunition and guns before I headed outside to the waiting car. Jolie was at the registers, I could see her through the window. I quickly ran to the shop next door and bought as many burner phones as they had. This guy didn’t mess around.

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