Page 57 of Embers

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Rosie hurtled off towards the ladies toilet as Brayden appeared at my side.

“She’s into me,” he said.

“Excuse me?” I asked.

Brayden was odd. Everything I knew about him had been told by other people. He had been in the same year as Stacey at school. She and Harry had saved his mum a few months back after she’d had a severe allergic reaction. Stacey had said he’d been weird that night, like he wasn’t reacting to the scene but cold and detached.

Other than a couple of chats at the pub with the lads, and at fire brigade meetings since he had joined the Shed as a member at the beginning of the year, I didn’t have anything to do with him.

And now, he was perched on a bar stool, smiling at me. Not a friendly smile either; his smile was like the cat who had caught the early bird.

“Said she’s into me,” he said a little louder.


“Rosie Zanetti.”

I burst out laughing. He frowned.

“Why do you think Rosie is into you, Brayden?”

“Always finding a reason to talk to me at work. First sign of a workplace crush, my mum says.”

Dear god, did he just say ‘my mum says’?!

“You work for Rosie now?”

“Been there for six months.”

“When she talks to you at work, you don’t think she’s talking to you about, you know, work?”

He blinked at me slowly. “I already know everything she’s saying to me about work. So it’s not work.”

He actually thinks that Rosie has a thing for him.His face was expressionless as he stared.Not creepy at all, Brayden, I thought, sipping more of my beer.

“Hey, Tom Cat!” a voice boomed from behind. Thank god for the good timing of interruptions to awkward conversations. I turned in my seat.

“Benny boy!” I grinned. Benji gave me a high five and a sneaky punch to the shoulder.

“How ya goin’?” Benji asked with a nod to a new bartender while pointing at my beer.

“Good, thanks, mate. You?”

“Alight, I guess. Nothing what getting laid wouldn’t solve,” Benji replied glumly, pulling another stool over to our table. “If only someone would have me.”

Benji glanced towards where Stacey was standing close to Harry in a corner, talking low with Harry stealing kisses every now and again, to her delight. Harry was a semi-permanent resident of the pub, waiting for his flat across the road to become ready to move in.

Someone’s shadow fell across us, and Benji stiffened. “Oh, hey there, Brayden.”


I nodded to Brayden who stared intensely at Benji for a long moment before he said, “Rosie Zanetti wants to get laid with me.”

“Brayden, I don’t know how you got that idea,” I said firmly. “Rosie has just broken up with her fiancé.”

Brayden shrugged.

“What I’m saying is, I don’t think your boss wants to sleep with you.”

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