Page 8 of Corrupt Justice

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He bobbed his head. “I want to feel great at it, Aye. I want to know what to do next. I want to understand what’s happening… with Rainy. I don’t mean the Lindstrom stuff but the stuff about her and me.”

“You’ll figure it out. Give yourself time and a lot of grace,” she said, squeezing his arm. “You’ll figure out what’s next when the time is right. For now, keep loving those babies and go get their mama.”

“I do love them,” he said under his breath. “I really love them more than anything. And Rainy…”

Killion paused as the elevator doors opened, and he saw the team waiting for him.

Ayelish smiled. “I know.”

“I was gonna ask you what you were doin’ with my lady,” Wit said as they approached, “but then I remembered she’s your sister and we’re not that kinda family.”

“I know you think that’s funny, but it’s actually disturbing,” Killion said, walking right past Wit.

“You know it’s funny, big guy,” Wit replied, taking Ayelish into his arms. “You sure about that? You’re about to become my brother, and I’m havin’ a baby with your sister… startin’ to sound a little too backwoods.”

Killion shook his head, earning a hoot of a laugh from Wit. “If you say so. Everyone know the plan?”

Carter tightened his flak jacket and tossed a rifle over his shoulder, “Gone over it several times. Good as gold.”

“You’re going, Landry?” Killion was surprised to see Carter suited up and mission ready.

“Damn right, I am. I’m as sick of this shit as you guys are. It makes my job harder –– a job I’m about ready to retire from. I’m that sick of it,” Carter admitted as he holstered his weapons. “I want to be on scene, observing, and get a firsthand account of what the hell we’re up against so I can put a nail in this thing and bury it for good.”

“Then you’re quittin’?” Wit asked, joining the group. “You’re really leavin’ the US Attorney’s Office?”

“This just might be my last case.” Carter shrugged. “I’ll stay until it’s done, but I feel like I can do a hell of a lot better on the outside than the inside at this rate.”

“I don’t blame you, man. What’s it say when you have to come to an outside, private sector group like us to manage security?” Killion began toward waiting SUVs alongside Carter and the others.

“It means my office no longer stands for shit. I get more done using my own resources than those afforded by my office.” Carter confirmed. “Everything I do on the inside, I can do on the outside at this rate –– and on my own terms with no politics and red tape.”

“You know there’s always a place here for you,” Killion said. “In whatever capacity you see fit.”

“I appreciate that.” Carter’s gaze was fixed on Sheridan in the distance, standing with Ayelish seeing the team off. “I might take you up on it, but then again, being on my own might be a nice change too.”

“Maybe there’s a hybrid option,” Killion said, opening his car door, “Do both.”

Carter slid inside the SUV while Killion stood on the running board and hollered, “Comms on, you know the drill. It’s about to get hairy out there. Everyone comes home, you hear me?”

Wit started them off, “Yeehaw.”

Then the rest followed with their own spin-off brand like a series of war cries. Everyone but Killion, who looked back at Ayelish and his cousin Sheridan and offered a quick nod, which they were each quick to return.

“We’ll keep them safe,” Ayelish said, understanding his hesitation.

His jaw tightened, and he looked down briefly like he was hiding something from them, hiding how he felt, but there was no hiding his feelings. It was fear.

“No matter what, Aye,” he said stoically. “No matter what happens tonight.”

Ayelish heard him loud and clear –– understood what he was really saying –– reading between the proverbial lines. He was walking into the unknown and afraid he wouldn’t come back. Worse, afraid he wouldn’t bring Rainy back either.

They were running to the heart of the fire and whether or not they were going to be burned had yet been determined.

Ayelish offered a comforting smile. “I’ll see you soon –– all of you.”

Killion pounded on the top of the SUV before ducking inside. “Let’s roll.”

