Page 2 of Wanting Knox

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My dad appears, placing his hands on my mom’s shoulders as he kisses her on the cheek. They’re both wearing Seattle Steels jerseys too, but my dad has Knox’s number on the back, and I have never been as envious of a number ten as I am now. We will always be my brother and Knox’s biggest supporters, seeing as Knox only has us that go to his games due to his parent’s ill health.

My Instagram app begins to notify me of likes and comments, and I smile. Slipping into the back of our SUV, I plug my seat belt across and open my app.

The same old comments.

Go Alder!

Go Steels!

You look beautiful.


Come on Steels!

But I’m not interested in that, I hover over my story and swipe up to see that Knox has seen it and my heart drums in my chest. The smile grows on my face as we pull off the drive and onto the road.

Just under an hour till I get to see him.



Pacing upand down the locker room, nerves wrack me, but it’s not because of the game. No, these games don’t worry me. It’s because ofher.

The constant reminder of her. She makes my heart thump, my cock hard and my mind dirty. The things I want to do to her should be considered a sin. Rage soon consumes me when I think about the guys she has been with before, anger seeps through my pores causing me to stand still in my tracks, my nostrils flare, my jaw clenched and tight as my fists ball at my side.

“You okay?” Cooper sneaks up beside me, his hand on my shoulder and I shrug him off.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” I snap, stepping away from him as I run my hand over my face.

“What’s got you like this?” Cooper asks me, not getting the hint that I need a minute. “Is it the game? Cos bro, you know we’re going to kill them.” He grabs me, pressing his forehead to mine. “We’re the best defence players in the league, you know we aren’t going to let their puck slip past us,” he presses his head harder onto mine. “Get your head in the game Knox, we can’t lose this…” he pauses, stepping back, “we’re not going to lose this are we?”

I shake my head from side to side, “No, of course not.” Rolling my shoulders back, I stand taller. “It’s fine, just had a moment,” I swallow the large lump that bobs in my throat.

Cooper gives a knowing nod towards me before he turns and hypes the rest of the team up, then he bounds over to Roach, our goalie. I smirk, as the room erupts into shouting and cheers.

Nothing could beat the pre-game excitement, it’s the best. We all get riled up ready to smash the opposing team into the boards. We play dirty, but it’s why we’re the best.

Half an hour passes and the room is still a buzz with chanting and chatting between friends, I look between myteamand smile with pride. I couldn’t have chosen a better team to play for. We are united, our bonds infinite and nothing could make me walk away from them.

Coach Greaves walks in, shouting and clapping his hands together to silence us and suddenly the room is deadly silent.

“Boys, this is a big game. Don’t get focused on smashing them into the boards, you need to focus on winning.” His eyes scan the room as he looks at Justin, he is our centre player and likes to cause a stir whilst on the ice. He has no fear, he is reckless. “Play through them, focus on the endgame. We don’t want a loss on our streak, we haven’t come this far to be beaten by the Nashville Nemesis just because you all want a ruck on the ice. Keep ya head in the game, not anywhere else,” his eyes scan the room making eye contact which each of us and for some reason it feels like they linger on mine a little longer than anyone else’s.

We all nod and cheer as we finish getting our gear on. I have my helmet in my hand, holding it tightly as my mouth guard rests between my fingers while we wait to walk out to the player’s bench. Nerves crackle through me, the atmosphere is amazing as always as we see a flood of grey jerseys behind the boards. My eyes seek out only her, but I don’t see her. Disappointment blankets over me as we take our seats on the bench, when suddenly, I feel her presence.

Turning slowly, Mauve runs for me, giving me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek before stepping back to hug and kiss Cooper. Rich swoops in, shaking my hand firmly and gives me a pat on the back.

“Go get them,” he laughs, pulling me in for an excited hug before he moves to Cooper.

That’s when I see her. My eyes widen as I drink her in. She dons her usual loose curled hair, her emerald eyes shining under the bright lights. Her cheeks are slightly pink, crimson even.Is she blushing?I shake the thought from my head, ignoring myself. Don’t be so stupid.

Fuck, she looks good in that jersey, but I want her inmine, because number ten will never look as good as it does on her. My lucky number on her, my forbidden fruit.

“Hey,” she steps towards me slowly and I seem to have lost the ability to speak, my tongue suddenly too big for my mouth. So what do I do? I smile.

“Ready for the game?” she takes another step, one more and she’ll be pressed against me.
