Page 29 of Deadly Star

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“Yes, if we put wings on your back, they will need contact points so your body can control them. Installing the filaments now will save lasering through your skin later.” He added that to the contract.

They discussed placement, and she agreed to the secondary placement before her skin thickened up. It was surreal. She was negotiating for an alien overlord to put filaments in her body so she could get cybernetic wings at some point in the future because her skin would be able to stop bullets. Not odd at all.

When she signed her name on the contract, Nebel smiled. That smile made her stomach flip. Part of her already liked him, and it was the part that she didn’t usually give a vote to.

Nebel signed his part of the contract and smiled. “Now we find Heboren and get him to sign, and then it is off to find that Terran who knows where to insert the needles.”

“Right. I did agree to that.”

“You did, sweet one. Now, let’s find that brother of mine.”

He wrapped his arm around her and followed it up with a wing wrapped around her. She was secure and protected as per section two, paragraph three. He was a creature of his word.

Peggy, the piercer, was working quickly and efficiently. Nebel held Lily’s hand as the small, flat earrings and other jewellery were embedded in her skin. There were a few crew and staff standing nearby and taking notes as the tray with the implants was gradually emptied.

Lily covered her eyes as the numbing wipe cleared the hood of her clit, and then the small pressure followed by pain as the needle was withdrawn and the jewellery was put in place.

Her navel was the last thing, and it was a relief. Her body was aching and throbbing. The filaments on her back had been the first things to go in, and they were now only light tingles along her spine and ribs.

The units that sped up regeneration felt like a tanning bed, but she felt better when it was over.

Nebel gently covered her with a light sheet and gathered her into his arms. “Finally, we can get you where you belong.”

She looked at him and felt dizzy. “Where is that?”

“Anywhere I am.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead.

“The one part you didn’t pierce.”

He chuckled and carried her to his shuttle. “Heboren had his crew bring your clothing to my ship for a speedy departure. I think he is just trying to get me away from his territory. I make him look bad.”

She laughed softly. “You certainly sound like siblings.”

“While we compete when it comes to gaining a partner, we are generally passive toward each other. That was one thing our designers made sure of. Warring Hmrain was never something they wished for the universe.”

She saw the drones flying around them, doors opened, codes accessed, and lights came on as he walked through the door of his ship.

The drones whirred around them, sealing the ship and closing up after them.

“We are going now?”

He chuckled. “Yes. We are leaving theDeadly Starand returning to my vessel. Once we reach the warship, we will begin our bonding.”

As he walked through the shuttle, it began moving under his feet. Lily could feel it through Nebel. “Who’s flying?”

“The ship. I told the drones what I wanted, and they notified the ship. My home will be listening as well.”

“I had a cell phone like that.” She felt herself shaking in his arms.

“Ah, Peggy did say you might be shocky. It was far more piercings than she had done before. I do believe she will be quite popular on Hebor. They adorn their ears and nipples frequently. Oh, and for some, there are tail piercings.”

He didn’t head to the command area. He walked into a bedroom and set her down on the mattress before crawling in next to her and cuddling her. His wing covered her, and she was suddenly warm and safe. The shaking eased, and he kissed her forehead again.

“There you go, Lily. Better?”

She moved closer to him and muttered, “Why did they tell us that the Hmrain were terrifying? You are stubborn and have weird kinks but are otherwise nice.”

He laughed. “Oh, we are very terrifying when defending our territory and indifferent to those whose lives hold no meaning to us. However, with a consort, body servant, or mate, we are doting and affectionate. You are precious to us and treated as such. We mark our consorts in different ways so that others may know who they are.”
