Page 36 of Required Surrender

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“That’s fine. Although I’d prefer a scotch.”

“Scotch. Another surprise.”

“Why? Because I’m a woman and supposed to drink girlie things?”

It was obvious someone had done a number on her. I continued rolling my sleeves as I moved closer, enough so her body tensed again. While the electricity sparked through both of us like a live wire, she had no method of trusting me. If she thought I had any intention of handling her with kid gloves, she was wrong.

I gripped her chin, using the leverage to lift her head. “You have quite a chip on your shoulder. While I’m certain you have our reasons, your defiant behavior will grow old quickly. I suggest you remember that I’m not your enemy. Whether or not you choose to believe that is entirely up to you. However, I demand and quite frankly deserve respect. Do I make myself clear?”

Her lower lip quivered, and she blinked several times. “Yes, sir.”

“I’m surprised because it’s not usually the drink of choice for many women, but that in no way means I believe you should only enjoy frilly drinks.”

“Then I’d prefer scotch.”

“Excellent choice. I’ll join you.” I poured the two drinks, unable to take my eyes off her the entire time. As I walked toward her, she stiffened. I couldn’t figure out what I’d done to deserve such an icy reception. Granted, I used my arrogance and power as a weapon, but certainly not with someone so enticing.

Her tentative actions continued to surprise me and when she wrapped her hand around the glass, she made certain our fingers didn’t touch. She immediately turned away, taking a small sip. The way her hair caught the light kept me aroused, my balls tightening. If she had any idea how hungry the predator inside of me had become, she showed no indication.

“Your home is beautiful,” she said almost in passing, but I sensed she was studying every aspect of my furnishings. I found it amusing that those unfamiliar with the lifestyle assumed everyone involved lived in darkness.

Like a vampire.

I smiled from behind my glass, my thoughts turning sadistic. “A work in progress. When I purchased the house, a lot of work was needed to make it livable. I enjoyed the renovations but wouldn’t want to go through it again.”

“I’m certain you didn’t lift a finger.”

“Not true. I’m fortunate to have a friend in the business of construction, but he refused to allow me to sit by the wayside.”

“A surprise,” she said as she finally glanced in my direction.

“There’s a possibility I could surprise you several times. Come. I’ll show you around.”

“I doubt that.”

“I’m curious. Why do you hate me so much?” I led her into the living room, allowing her to take a few moments to become familiar with her surroundings.

My direct question caught her off guard. She stopped in the middle of the room, her brow furrowed. “I don’t hate you, Lachlan. I just don’t like who you are or what you stand for.”

“Which is?”

“The use of power to control every situation.”

“Ah,” I said, returning to the hallway, leading her to my favorite room in the house. “Power is the great equalizer.”

“Do you always speak in rhymes?”

“Are you always antagonistic?”

She sighed. “Not always. I suppose you bring it out in me.”

“That makes me a lucky guy.”

“You’re sarcastic.”

“And you’re opinionated.”

At least she laughed. While the dominating side of me wanted to force her surrender, commanding her to her knees, I realized that was the arrogant ass side of me being reflected. The one she’d homed in on at the coffee shop. Even though I’d forced the situation, I wasn’t such an ass that I’d ignore her feelings.
