Page 52 of Knot Your Life

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“They are. We’ll try and convince the judge they shouldn’t be given bail before the trial, pending if Bear wishes to press charges. But I have no doubt it’ll be a fairly open and shut case. We have eye witnesses, several of them, hospital reports, and footage.”

“We also have evidence of stalking and threats on Bear’s phone,” Ellie added.

He nodded sagely. “They’ll pay some time for this.” He shifted uncomfortably. “I’ve got a lot of paperwork to do, I’ll let you folks get back to it. I hope your omega recovers well.”

“We just got word that he’s out of surgery and he’s in recovery,” Ezra said. The sheriff nodded before turning and walking out.

This would likely be all over Lockwood by morning. It wasn’t like attacks like this happened often in a small town.

It was reassuring to know people would be prepared if they did manage to get out of jail.

It was another hour before we were allowed to go back. Ellie and I went together, her small hand wrapped in mine as we followed the nurse through the ICU. It was quiet, the mood somber. The smell of cleaner and the sound of constantly beeping monitors urged us along.

As soon as we walked through the door of Bear’s room Ellie let out a sob. I’d seen him on the way here and he looked even worse thanks to the blooming bruises, his skin varying shades of purple and blue.

Several white bandages were wrapped around his arm, his head, and his torso. His foot was propped up, even the toes peeking out of the temporary cast were discolored from the attack.

“I’m so sorry, Bear,” Ellie said. She went to his side, reaching out to touch him then stopping herself, unwilling to cause him even more pain.

“We’re both here,” I promised him. “They’ll never touch you again.”

It was on me for letting him be alone when there was such a big risk around, though none of us could predict that they would take it this far.

The only thought that calmed me was that if the courts didn’t take care of them, I would.

My omegas would be safe, evenif I had to kill the Forrest Pack myself.


“Here’s the last one,” Dean called out as he came upstairs with a huge comforter bag in his hand. He looked around at the nest we made. Ellie and Bear would have to add their own touches to it but at this point it was covered in all of our scents.

Yes, that meant two alphas and two betas were rubbing themselves on everything and laughing at the absurdity of it.

We’d even gone as far as splitting the attic between the omegas. In the center were two horseshoe shaped sectionals with a table in between. Bear and Ellie each had a king-sized mattress covered in pillows, blankets, and their mates’ touches.

“Awesome,” I said as I took the bag from him, unraveling it and tossing the trash aside. Ellie already had hers in place, so I spread it out on Bear’s bed before turning back to my twin. “Grab Collin, he needs to roll around on this for a minute. Ellie can add hers after the big reveal.”

Dean gathered up the trash and headed downstairs, calling out to Collin as he went.

Collin walked upstairs, pulling a shirt off as he walked by, before dropping down on the new comforter. The big alpha rolled around and rubbed himself all over Bear’s nest. It reminded me of a cat lazing in the sun, stretching out and rolling around to not leave a section untouched.

“That never gets less awkward,” he muttered as he rolled onto his back one last time.

I laughed and held out a hand, helping him up. His face lit up with a smile as he looked at the final touches we’d put on the room.

“We made a good choice putting you two in charge up here. You killed it,” he said. His pride made my cheeks warm slightly. I wasn’t used to this kind of attention.

It was Dean’s idea to get sheer white fabric, hanging it from the ceiling and draping it down the side walls. Everything in the room was a mix of bright whites or black. We’d leave the omegas to add their own pops of color. This felt more like a blank slate.

After building up the structure and reinforcing things, we laid out new walls, floors, and light fixtures. Even the windows were brand new, letting in plenty of natural light.

It was like an omega’s paradise. The entire attic was one giant nest.

“Do you know what this means?” he asked, turning to us with a grin.

I looked at Dean and then both of us shrugged, not sure what he was trying to get at.

“We’re done, guys. The packhouse is ready.”
