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I relayed his message, and Granite honestly seemed to perk up a little.

Without anything left to say, Zoran transported us back to Storm’s castle, just outside Dove’s room.

“Got a little possessive there, huh?” I asked him, my voice slightly playful.

He growled, pinning me to the wall next to the door. My back collided with a gentle thud, and then his lips were on mine, claiming me.

Though he gripped my hips tightly, pressing his body against mine, he didn’t intensify it any further. Technically, wewerestill in public.

I had no idea how long we’d been kissing for when someone cleared their throat behind Zoran.

His chest rumbled unhappily against mine when I pulled away from him. My lips curved upward, and my fingers toyed with the soft, loose strands at the base of his neck. “I’m still yours,” I murmured to him.

“Always.” Zoran closed his eyes for a moment, and I could see the exhaustion in the lines of his face.

I was starting to realize that he was extremely skilled at pretending that everything was okay. And at ignoring his every feeling and emotion while he did so. He was using me as a distraction in that moment. He needed a break, he needed time to process everything that had happened with Crest, and he knew he wasn’t going to get either of those things yet.

So he’d focused on me, to help him cope.

The person behind him finally cleared their throat again. Though Zoran couldn’t hear them, I knew he’d already sensed them behind him with his magic.

When I nudged him gently, he moved back just far enough to unpin me from the wall, and I stepped up to his side. Before I could take his hand, his arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer.

“Storm and Harper are eating in their room with Dissiri,” the male fae said, bowing his head respectfully toward us. “They asked me to let you know you’re free to walk in whenever you’re ready.”

I had a feeling thewhenever you’re ready partwas Sirus or Harper’s dig at our little makeout session, and fought a grin.

“Thank you,” I said, giving the man a quick smile.

He bowed his head again, and then left us alone in the hallway.

“Are you ready yet?” I teased Zoran.

He squeezed my hip once.

Not even close.

A laugh escaped me. “Let’s get this over with, then.”

We endedup staying to eat dinner with Storm, Harper, and Dove. The little girl was full of life, chattering to all of us, and we didn’t have the heart to leave when we knew that she might not feel the same way the next time we were there.

By the end of the dinner, she was fading fast, and we ducked out after giving her a quick hug goodbye and promising to return again soon.

Zoran transported us to some portion of his people’s beach that I had never seen before, and my eyes caught on a sprawling building I didn’t recognize.

But I saw a small group of fae just to our left, as well as two bodies settled on small boats that looked like they were made out of water.

I gripped Zoran’s hand firmly as he let out a slow breath of air, and I squeezed it twice.

You’ve got this.

He squeezed mine back two more times before he led me over to the group and released his hold on me so he could sign.

One of the women stood to the side of the rest of them, and she flashed me and Zoran an apologetic look.

He signed, “I’ll be guiding the rafts. Thank you.”

I spoke the words aloud, and the woman nodded her head. “The people have been informed that the Aboa is secure once again,” she said, before slipping away from the rest of us.
