Page 15 of Beast

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“I like musing about your personal life,” Talon said. “It’s way more entertaining.”

“Talon,” Beast said in warning.

“You’re no fun,” Talon groused. “Rayne said to stay away from Club Lure, but he called the owner and asked about their surveillance footage. Kellam didn’t want to hand it over, but after Rayne told him the problem all of us are in, he sent it to Rayne’s email. By the way, since you’ve been tasked with babysitting Marcus, I’ve had to take over following Nelo.”

Crap. Now what was Beast going to do once it was full dark? He was already bored out of his ever-loving mind. The thought of sitting around watching movies didn’t appeal to him.

Beast sighed. “Thanks for letting me know. I’ll take a look at the footage and see what I can find.”

“Rayne has that covered,” Talon said. “I’m going to go take a nap before my babysitting duties start.”

Beast hung up and made his way to the kitchen. Marcus was standing at the stove, stirring something in a pot, his back to Beast. Beast admired the way his T-shirt clung to his slim shoulders and the way his jeans hugged his ass. He shook his head, wondering why he was suddenly so interested in Marcus.

“What are you making?” Beast asked, trying to distract himself.

“Spaghetti and meatballs,” Marcus said, turning around with a wooden spoon in hand.

Beast’s stomach grumbled again. “Smells great.”

Marcus grinned. “It’s almost ready.”

Beast walked over to the fridge and grabbed a beer, cracking it open and taking a long swig. He leaned against the counter, watching Marcus move around the kitchen. It was weird, but he felt oddly at peace. He wasn’t used to feeling like this way, especially not around a human.

“Is there something on my face?” Marcus asked, wiping his hand across his cheek.

Beast shook his head. “No, why?”

“You’re staring.”

Busted. “Sorry, I didn’t realize.”

“Make yourself useful and grab the garlic bread from the freezer.” Marcus pointed his wooden spoon at the fridge. “I’ve already preheated the oven. Throw a few pieces on the cookie sheet and put it on the counter.”

Anything to occupy his mind.

Beast did as he was told and grabbed the garlic bread. He placed it on the cookie sheet and watched as Marcus slid it into the oven.

“You know,” Marcus said, turning to face him, “for a wolf shifter, you’re not very talkative.”

Beast had no idea what being a wolf shifter had to do with it, so he just shrugged. “Never had much to say.”

“That’s not a good excuse.” Marcus leaned against the counter, crossing his arms. “You’re a person, just like anyone else. And people need to communicate with each other in order to form relationships.”

“I don’t need any relationships,” Beast said, feeling defensive.

What he meant was he didn’t need a relationship with Marcus. His pack was a different story. After Rayne had rescued Beast from poachers, the pack had been a godsend. Beast had barely known how to shift into his human form, and it was the twins who’d helped the most, along with Rayne. Beast had been rough around the edges, snapping at everyone, and thankfully they’d taken it in stride.

When Rayne said he would be a hunter, that he would help save humans, Beast nearly walked away. He’d never dealt with a human until he’d joined Rayne’s pack. Still didn’t interact with humans, until mates started showing up.

Beast was a work in progress.

“Everyone needs someone,” Marcus replied. “Even if it’s just friendship. Could you imagine the two of us actually being friends? Oh my god, the world would end, right?”

Beast had to fight not to smile. “Total mayhem.”

Marcus patted Beast’s hand, and damn if he didn’t feel another jolt of something at the touch. “We’ll just remain frenemies. We wouldn’t want to upset the cosmic order.”

Beast couldn’t help but snort at that. “Sure, frenemies it is.”
