Page 27 of Beast

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The man narrowed his eyes, suspicion lining his face. “What kind of information?”

Cable glanced past the guy. The room was full of electronic equipment. Wires spilled from the walls and snaked across the floor. With a snarl, Cable yanked the guy up and moved forward, allowing his twin inside before Logan closed the door behind them.

“What the fuck is going on here?”

Too late Cable heard a gun cocking. “Let him go.”

Looking over his shoulder, Cable saw a woman with flowing blonde hair and big brown eyes. “My twin will kill you before you get the chance to pull that trigger.”

She looked hesitant as her gaze swept from Cable to Logan then back to Cable. “Let him go,” she repeated, her voice not as firm this time.

“Put the gun down and I just might let you live,” Logan said. “Shoot my brother and I’ll listen to your screams as I rip out your entrails.”

“Do what they say, babe,” the guy in Cable’s grip urged. “This is probably just a misunderstanding.”

“It’s too early in the morning for this shit.” She lowered her weapon. “Who does Poncho owe, or who did he screw over?”

“This is about a recording,” Cable said, still gripping Poncho’s shirt. “A recording he sent to a select few people.”

“That tells me nothing,” Poncho said. “You’re gonna have to be a bit more specific. If you haven’t figured out by now, I record for a living.”

“You pronounced blackmail wrong,” the woman said. “I’m going back to bed.”

This was all about blackmail? So why hadn’t Poncho sent the video to Beast, or even Rayne, and demanded money? Why send it to Marcus’s boss? “It’s about the video of a killing in an alley.”

Poncho’s eyes widened. “Oh, that.”

“Yeah, that,” Cable snarled. “Start talking or I’m frying every piece of electronics in this place.”

“No!” Now Poncho looked worried. “It cost me a fortune to buy all of this.”

“You pronounced stolen wrong,” the woman shouted from the bedroom.

“Okay, so I acquired most of this the illegal way.” Poncho held up his hands. “I’ll tell you whatever you want to know, just as long as you don’t touch anything.” He glared at the bedroom door. “Except Nadine. Loud-mouthed bitch.”

“You pronounced darling wrong,” she shouted.

Cable was getting tired of this. “Tell me about that recording. Why’d you send it to Mr. Blight?”

“I don’t know who Mr. Blight is, but that job was different,” Poncho said as Cable finally released him. “I was approached, blackmailed.”

Logan snorted. “Don’t like when it’s done to you?”

“Not when the guy threatened to drop some evidence off to the cops about what I’ve been doing here. He said to follow this guy named Beast and get him doing something criminal. Holy shit. That night, I hit the motherload. Thought of blackmailing Beast myself, but have you seen the size of that guy?”

Cable snorted. “Have you seen the size of me and my twin?”

“Right.” Poncho nodded. “I was given two phone numbers to send that video to. Don’t know why, didn’t ask. I just did as I was told.”

“Who blackmailed you?” Logan asked.

“He didn’t exactly give me his name,” Poncho said. “Nice-looking guy, expensive suit, dark hair, wicked eyes. The kind of look that you take seriously and don’t cross.”

That was no help. The description could have been any number of people. “Would you recognize him if you saw him again?”

“You want me to spy on him and get a pic of this guy?” Poncho asked. “I can’t keep giving my services away for free.”

“What’s your going rate?” Logan asked.
