Page 30 of Beast

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Beast was never going to live that one down. The twins had told him about Poncho, and Beast wanted to go over to the guy’s apartment and thank the human with a few good punches. He didn’t care why Poncho had done it. Recording that killing had turned things upside down.

What if Poncho decided to release that footage to the public? They could probably spin it as a hoax, but damn, it would cause a lot of shit, too.

“I’ll let you know what he’s up to,” Beast said to Rayne before he hung up.

“I take it we’re tailing someone,” Marcus said as he looked up from his phone. “I need snacks if we’re going to be in the car for a while.”

“It’s not until tonight.” Beast pulled away from the curb. “Don’t you have plenty of junk food already? Half the groceries were empty calories.”

Marcus rolled his eyes. “You can never have too many snacks, especially when you’re on a stakeout. That’s how it is in the movies.”

Beast grunted in response. He wasn’t looking forward to having Marcus with him tonight, but if it meant keeping him safe, he could deal with it. The last thing he wanted was for his mate to get hurt because of his involvement in this mess.

“You and Lance really need to stop comparing life to the movies.”

As they drove to the convenience store, Beast couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. Nelo was dangerous, and even though Talon had tailed him, there was no telling what he was up to. But he needed to know. For his pack and for Marcus.

They entered the store, and his mate made a beeline for the snack aisle, grabbing a variety of chips and candy bars. Beast didn’t bother getting anything for himself. He didn’t have a sweet tooth like Marcus did.

“Are you sure you don’t want to get anything?” Marcus’s hands were full. “I’m not sharing, so if you change your mind tonight, you’re shit out of luck.”

Beast grunted again. “I’ll survive.” He didn’t want to admit that the thought of sharing snacks with Marcus during their stakeout sounded almost...nice.

Marcus shrugged. “Suit yourself. Just don’t get hangry on me.”

Beast rolled his eyes and paid for the snacks before they left the store.

As they drove back to Marcus’s place, his mate started munching on a bag of chips. “So, what’s the plan for tonight? Are we simply following this Nelo guy, or do we have something more elaborate in mind?”

“First, didn’t you just eat breakfast? Do you have a bottomless stomach? Second, we follow him and see where he goes,” Beast said. “I don’t want to make any assumptions until we have more information.”

Marcus nodded. “Got it. And if things get ugly?”

He was clearly ignoring Beast’s question about just eating breakfast.

“Then we get the hell out of there,” Beast said firmly. “No heroics.”

Beast could normally handle any given situation, but he had Marcus to think about. His mate. Beast wasn’t as irritated with the human as he let on. In fact, what annoyed him about his mate was now becoming endearing.

Like how mouthy Marcus was.

Marcus smirked. “You’re no fun.”

“What kind of stakeout do you think we’re doing?” Beast hid his smile. “We’re not spying on some perve who’s cheating on his wife.”

“Oh, maybe we can do that next!” Marcus’s eyes lit up. “I’m out of a job, so maybe we can open a private investigation firm.” He wiggled his brows. “We’d make a great team.”

“That’s yet to be determined.”

“You’d make an excellent private dick,” Marcus said with a chuckle, “or just a dick if you keep shooting down my idea. You keep this up, and I won’t make you my partner.”

“I’m crying into my ice cream.” Beast pulled into Marcus’s driveway.

“Great, now I want ice cream,” Marcus grumbled as he got out.

How on earth did the guy stay so skinny with the way he ate? “Are you sure you’re not pregnant?” Beast asked when he got out.

“One, I’m a dude, so I’m pretty sure I’m not. Two, never ask that unless you’re sure. I made that mistake once and got slapped across the face.”
