Page 79 of Unleashing Kokou

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Everything about the woman in my arms was wonderful. Just the thought of her thinking I’d ever allow her to walk away from me seemed silly.

She moaned and pulled her lips back. “I was thinking—we have a few days here—could we get a hotel and spend some time together.”

I framed her cheek. “I know I haven’t even taken you out on a date. I feel like the worse boyfriend ever.”

“Boyfriend?” She chortled. “You have to take me out on a date before I will call you that.”

“Come on, Kokou.” I smirked around a chaste kiss. “With all the things we’ve done to each other?”

She scrunched her nose at me.

“With all the places on your body my mouth has been?”

She punched my arm and stepped away from me. “You’re an ass.”

“But a very sexy ass.”

I wiggled my brows at her, and she laughed.

In that moment, I wished we didn’t have to do what we were about to. But the ping of the elevator and the doors sliding open forced us to focus.

We stepped out, Kokou’s shoes clicking across the marble floors as we made our way up to the front desk.

“Howdy.” Kokou leaned an elbow on the desk. “We’re here to see Jack Marley and the missus.”

“Do you have an appointment?” The woman there asked.

“No.” I spoke up. “Let Mrs. Marley know, it’s Daniel Archer. Trust me, she’ll want to speak with me.”

The woman frowned but picked up her phone to have a hushed conversation with Jack Marley. When she hung up, she rose and pointed down the hall.

“It’s the corner office on the left.” She explained.

I winked at her and Kokou offered a small salute before we followed her instructions. At the office, we paused. For me, it was to calm down, to catch my breath and take one final look at Kokou. She stood by my side like the Goddess she was named after, and all I felt in that moment was pride.

She nodded at me, and I knocked.

“Come in.” The small, masculine voice called from the other side.

Finally, I came face to face with Cassandra. All the colours drained from her face, and she wavered on her knees. To her credit, she caught herself by gripping the corner of Jack’s massive mahogany desk to stay standing.

“Hello Cassandra.” I greeted her. “Jack.”

Jack stood and reached out to shake my hand. I accepted the shake. After all, Jack had nothing really to do with any of this—as far as we could find. He was after me, and was so far out of the picture, I would give him the benefit of the doubt.

When he reached toward Kokou, she looked at him like an insect she wanted to crush under her tightly laced combat boots.

He dragged his palms down his thighs then motioned to the chairs.

“Please, have a seat.” Jack told us. “What did you wish to speak with me about?”

“In the next twenty minutes.” I began. “The local police will be here to arrest Cassandra on behalf of the Eagle Rocks police department.”

“That’s ridiculous.” Jack laughed. “My wife hasn’t been in Eagle Rocks in years.”

“That may be the case.” I exhaled. “But she’s committed a number of crimes that if we play our cards right, she will never see the light of day again.”

“Cassandra?” Jack demanded. “Glaring at her. What did you do now?”
