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“No, I’ve got you.”

My head jerked up at the unfamiliar, deep voice, and my eyes widened when I saw two guys in leather vests standing in front of me. I didn’t recognize either of them, and the patch read Iron Rogues instead of the Silver Saints. I sucked in a quick breath to scream, but the sound was captured by the palm of the biggest one when he slammed his hand over my mouth. Then he tossed me over his shoulder and carried me kicking and screaming out the back door while the other guy followed.

It was the second time I’d been kidnapped in a week, but it was the first time I was truly terrified.



I lifted Lorelei’s two suitcases into the back of my truck and slammed the door shut. I was just turning to go back inside when a blue Dodge Charger swerved into the driveway and came to a screeching halt. A man jumped out of the driver’s side and rushed around the hood, headed for the front door.

He was only two feet away when he finally noticed me and stopped. A scowl pulled at his features, and something about him seemed familiar. “Who the fuck are you?” he snarled.

The wind picked up right at that moment, ruffling the guy’s shaggy golden-brown hair. Now I realized why he’d seemed familiar. He resembled his sister. “You’re Lee.”

My guess threw him off a little, but he quickly regrouped and asked again, “Who the hell are you? What do you want from me?”

“I don’t want shit from you. I’m here for your sister.”

“Lorelei?” he croaked. Fear swam in his green eyes, until they fell to my chest and fury ignited inside them. “Are the Iron Rogues sending other clubs to do their dirty work now?”

I crossed my arms over my chest and stared him down. Lee wasn’t a small guy, but I had several inches and at least fifty pounds on him. “I don’t know what your beef is with the Iron Rogues, and I don’t give a shit. I’m here to help my woman get her shit and take her home.”

“Your…” Lee threw his hands in the air and shook his head. “I don’t have time for this bullshit. Where’s my sister?” He stomped past me, but I grabbed his arm, yanking him to a stop.

“Calm the fuck down. I don't want to hurt you because it would upset Lorelei. But if you do it first, I will kick your ass.”

He studied me for a moment, then asked, “Do you love her?”

I didn't want Lee to be the first person I admitted it to out loud, but something about the desperation in his voice urged me to answer. “Yes.”

“Can you protect her?”

My eyes narrowed. “Yes. Is there something in particular I should be keeping her safe from?”

Lee glanced at the house, then muttered, “If my sister wants to go with you, and you promise to protect her, I won’t say or do anything to convince her otherwise. But she needs to leave. Now.”

He sprinted for the front door and burst inside, yelling for Lorelei. I jogged after him, an uneasy feeling icing my veins. He was still yelling her name when I entered and went straight for her bedroom. When she wasn’t there, I headed to the kitchen.

“Fuck!” Lee’s exclamation rang out, and I ran the rest of the way. He was standing at the open back door and cursed again as he slammed his hand into the wall. “They fucking took her. Son of a bitch!”

My heart split wide open, but I knew the only way to help my woman was by holding my shit together.

I walked up to Lee and shoved him into the wall. “Explain,” I demanded.

“The Iron Rogues. They…I…it’s…they want…”

“Spit it the fuck out!” I roared, making him flinch.

“Their VP—Maverick—he threatened Lorelei.”


Lee swallowed hard, and I could see indecision in his eyes. My guess was that he was trying to figure out what to tell me without revealing too much.

“Who are you protecting?” I snarled. “Are you seriously willing to risk your sister for them?”

“That’s the point,” he snapped. “His sister…Kansas…she’s my…I love her. I want to marry her. But she’s young. Lorelei’s age. And he basically raised her. So when he found out about us, he warned me off. Kansas and I decided to wait to…to be together until she graduated. But the other night…” He looked away and sighed. I could tell he was beating the shit out of himself over losing control. I had some sympathy for his situation, but what could I say? I get it. I’m fucking your sister and moving her in with me before she graduates. Oh and she’s probably knocked up too.

“Anyway,” he continued. “She texted that she was at a friend’s house last night but stayed with me. I took her to school this morning, and I guess one of the guys was there to make sure she got there safely and saw us. Maverick called me, flipping his shit. Told me to stay away from Kansas or he’d come after my sister.”
