Page 21 of Thorne's Rose

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“What happens if he sees us?” Rose asked.

“I think that they’ll take care of Joe for us,” Thorne said, nodding to the half dozen police cars that entered the parking lot.

“You guys called the cops,” she breathed.

“Yeah, you wouldn’t let me kill your ex, so I did the next best thing. With Yonker’s testimony that Joe shot him, and your testimony about him kidnapping you and Sadie, and all your evidence of him abusing you, he’ll go away for a long time.”

“I’m finally going to be free?” she asked.

“You will be if they catch him. He’s taking off for the woods,” Savage said. “You stay here with Rose and the kid. I’m going to stop him.”

“Savage,” Rose shouted after him, but her cousin didn’t stop or turn around. He took off for the tree line, putting himself between Joe and the cops. “He’s got a gun,” she whispered.

“He knows, honey,” Thorne said. “Savage can handle himself.” Thorne just hoped that he was right, because the big guy was a hot head, just like his cousin. Savage liked to dive into the deep end headfirst and worry about the consequences later.

Thorne watched as Savage practically lunged at the guy, knocking him to the ground as he went. Within seconds, cops were surrounding them both, cuffing Joe and holding Savage until the detective walked across the field and nodded at them to let him go.

“They got him,” Rose sobbed.

“Yep, they got him, honey,” Thorne said. “You can go back to your life now. You don’t have to go into hiding again.”

Rose turned and snuggled into his body. “You mean, we can go back to our lives now. Remember, you promised that I’m yours and that you want a life with me and Sadie. Is that still true, Thorne?” she asked. It was always going to hold true for him. He’d never stop wanting a life with Rose and Sadie.

“It’s still true,” he admitted.

“Good,” Rose said, wrapping her arms around him. “Then, how about you take us home with you, Thorne? I think it’s about time that we start our lives together and I’d like to do it back in Huntsville.”

“I think that your cousin would kill us both if you wanted to live anywhere else. He’s already found a house for you and Sadie.” Thorne said. He had found them both a great house in town—perfect for Sadie. It even had a swing set in the backyard.

“Well, then, it will be the perfect house for the three of us. How about it, Thorne? You want a fresh start with me?” she asked.

“I’d love nothing more, honey,” he agreed. He pulled her up his body to kiss her and Savage cleared his throat.

“I’m afraid that I’m going to have to break this up,” Savage said. The detective was by his side and nodded to Rose. “You’ll have a lot of questions to answer.”

“I’m ready to answer them all if it means that Joe will be out of our lives for good,” Rose agreed.

“You don’t have to worry about that, Ms. Savage,” the detective said. “He’s going away for a long time.” That was the best news Thorne had heard in a damn long time.

“Would you mind following me to the station, Ms. Savage?” he asked.

“We all will,” Savage agreed.

“I’d also like to have Sadie checked out,” Rose said. “Joe said that he didn’t do anything to her, but I don’t believe a word he says.”

“Of course,” the detective agreed. “I’ll have an ambulance meet us at the station.”

“Thank you,” Rose said. “Do you think that we’ll be able to go home in the morning?” she asked the detective.

“I think that can be arranged,” the detective agreed.

* * *

They were waiting outside the ambulance for Sadie while Rose gave her statement. Rose made him and Savage promise not to leave Sadie’s side, and he didn’t plan on it. The toddler was pretty happy, all things considered. Savage was making faces at her, causing her to squeal with laughter and Thorne wondered if he’d ever be that good with the kid.

“She really likes you,” Thorne said.

“She’s a Savage,” he said, “she knows I’m one of her people and that’s why she laughs at me. My kids are the same way,” he said.
