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“Listen, I can’t talk long,” Brent said. “I’m just taking a fifteen-minute break away from the bar and I’m sitting in my car.”

“What’s going on?” Dillon asked.

“I’m pretty sure that Andy is dead,” Brent said.

Dillon’s heart started racing and his fists clenched.

“What makes you say that?” Dillon asked.

“I overheard the mercenary that the Faisons hired talking to Crystal and a couple of other hunters. He said that Andy had told them that he had no idea where the portal to the shifter world was, even after he had tried different persuasion methods on Andy. The mercenary said that Andy had told him over and over again that the shifter world was a myth and didn’t really exist,” Brent reported.

“Poor Andy,” Dillon said.

“The mercenary said that he took care of that particular shifter and that the world was better off with one less shifter in it,” Brent said. “He bragged that he got a bonus from the Faisons.”

“Damn it,” Dillon cursed the situation.

“I’ve got to go,” Brent said, his voice panicked all of the sudden.

One of the Faisons or hunters must have been approaching Brent’s car.

Dillon slammed his hand down on the countertop and gritted his teeth. He sucked in a huge breath of air, trying to calm his nerves.

Dillon was pissed at the situation. Andy a very nice young man in his twenties who was studying to be a doctor. He was very intelligent and worked hard. This also meant that the lull that they had been enjoying since the last battle was now over. Dillon knew that it couldn’t last forever, but he was hoping for a little longer reprieve.

He called Jesse and relayed to him what Brent had said.

“I’ll stop by Andy’s folks’ house and let them know. They need to get out of town before the hunters catch up to them,” Jesse said.

Dillon turned to his manager and said, “I need to be gone for a few hours. Can you take care of the store and close up if I’m not back in time?”

“Sure thing, Boss,” he said.

Dillon walked over to the café and asked Jamie to step outside with him.

“I just got word from a credible source. I’m sorry, Jamie. The word is that the hunters got to him.”

She burst into tears and he let her cry on his shoulder until she ran out of tears.

“What about his family?” she asked as she wiped her eyes.

“They are being notified and warned to leave town,” Dillon said. “Are you going to be okay? I need to take care of some business.”

Jamie nodded, wiped her face, and said, “I’ll be fine.”

Dillon hugged her and then darted off toward his car.

Jesse called Dillon back.

“They are gone. There is no one here. By the looks of things, I would say that they left in a hurry.”

“Let’s hope that it is because they headed for the shifter world,” Dillon said.

“Let’s hope,” Jesse agreed.

Dillon drove to the base of the trail and started hiking. He soon got off the trail and found a random spot. After making sure that there was no one around, he shifted and loped toward the shifter world.

Chloe had heard the news and knew that Dillon wasn’t in the mood for their usual banter.
