Page 61 of No Mercy

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Asshole in full force.Check.

Pushing through the door, I find Austin shooting the shit with some of the other small-time fighters on Cap’s roster—where Austin is going to stay if he doesn’t get his head on straight. He has such potential and had come a long way in the last two years. Except now, I don’t trust if what I saw was him or the steroids. He never got caught. He never failed a test before a fight. So, career wise, he’s in good standing. But reputation wise, he’s got a way to go.

Leaning against the wall, I stare them down, waiting until one of them notices and shuts the fuck up about the skank-talk coming out of their filthy mouths. One’s bragging about how hard he gave it to some ring-chaser last night, how she was gagging for it, how dirty she let him get. Another how he got head in the laundromat from a stranger under a table while his woman was across the room folding laundry. Assholes. All of them.

When my wilting patience doesn’t pay off, I clear my throat. Arms crossed and death glare in full force, they nearly cower out the door, tripping over their own feet—all except Austin.

“Hey,” he greets with a chin nod, not a bit affected.

“They shouldn’t talk like that about women. About anybody.” The disgust is apparent in my voice, and in case he missed it, I’m pretty damn sure it’s all over my face.

“They’re messing around. It’s harmless.” He straddles the nearest bench and eyes me up and down.

“Yeah? You think it’s harmless if they were talking about your mother or sister in such a way? Or what about Frankie or whoever you left her for? You okay with them talking about her pussy like that?”

He cringes, eyes lower, not so cocky now. “I get your point.”

“Good. Next time, tell them to shut the fuck up. Set the example. Be better.Expectbetter.”

“I said I heard you. Get off your high horse.” He shoves his phone and bag in his locker. “What are you doing here, Stone? I thought you were living the dream in Lyndale with my girl.”

The fuck?I’m on him before he fully turns around. My forearm restricts his airway. My body plasters him to the nearest wall. “You want to rethink those words, Tamer?” Rage is asking for blood. Reason has me slowing my roll, understanding he’s trying to find his footing in this new reality where Frankie is no longer his but mine. He doesn’t know I’m fighting my own new reality where she isn’t mine either, not in any tangible sense.

“Fuck,” he grates, short of breath.

I ease up before letting him go and stepping back.

He slides to the floor, getting a few good breaths. “You’re right. Sorry.”

I sit on the bench closest to him, admitting, “I’ve been an ass to everyone. I get it.”

“You? Shocker.” He smiles, meaning no offense, and I don’t take any.

“She dumped me.” I lean forward, arms resting on my knees, my head buried in my hands. “I couldn’t give her what she wanted, and she wasn’t settling for less.” I let out a punch of air and meet his eyes. “You taught her that lesson.”

“I guess I did.” He nods, remorse contorting his features as he looks past me. “I never meant to hurt her.” He sniffs, turning away. “It kills me knowing I did.” He swipes at his eyes. “I’m such an ass.”

“You learned from the best.”

“Nah, you didn’t make me an asshole. I did that all on my own.”

We’re silent, lost in our own thoughts as seconds tick by before he speaks again.

“I upset her the night she fell down the stairs. I’m the reason she was so distraught and probably why she fell.” A sad smile crosses his lips. “My girl’s pregnant. I’m gonna be a dad.”

For a split second I think he’s talking about Frankie. “The girl you cheated with?”

“Yeah, Natalie. She’s about five months now.”

“Fuck, man. When you screw up, you go all in.”

“Don’t I know it.” His head falls back, hitting the wall. “What the fuck do I know about being a dad?”

“You’ll figure it out.” Hopefully he’s a better dad than he was a boyfriend.

His gaze meets mine. “What about you? You could do it too, you know? You could be what Frankie needs.” He picks at the square carpet tile. “Maybe it was always you.”

“Fuck.” I run my fingers through my hair.
